A Fantasy Turned Into A Dark Reality

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A girl with a smile that outshone the entire sun. Her smile that did not need the attention of the most beautiful things to glow. Her smile ought to reach her enchanting hazel orbs , shall they not?
The saying of 'I doesn't matter if you were born of a duck's yard , so long as you hatch from a swan's !' Quoted of the Ugly Duckling.
Then ,how does she not rise? Then , why have her eyes become of a twinkle sliding down her cheeks? Then , what has happened to Beautiful than the wanting to be Sexy or Hot?
What has happen to her smile that could brighten a man's gloomy weather?
Precious she is and viscous the world is. 'Mirror , mirror on the wall. Who's the prettiest of all?
Part one

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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