Someone else

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Mal shoved Ben off of her, slapping him right across the face. "What the hell are you doing?" She screamed. Ben was shocked. "I was gonna say that I can't be with you! I love Ev-...... someone else." She trailed off.

Ben looked at Mal in disbelief. "Wh- What about our true love's kiss... Mal..." Ben stood up and started pacing. "It WAS true love, Ben! But a friendship kind of love!" Mal practically yelled. She covered her face with her hands, and shook her head.

"Mal," Ben asked, putting his hand on her shoulder, "Are you breaking up with me?" Mal uncovered her face, and looked at him with glowing green eyes that were filled with rage. "Of course I'm breaking up with you, Ben! Can't you get that through your thick skull?!?" She yelled. Ben stepped back... And he instantly regretted it. Mal noticed this small yet impactful move of his, and her anger turned to sadness.

"You're ... afraid of me." It wasn't a question, nor was it a statement; what Mal uttered under her breath was something in between. Mal started to laugh quietly. "You think I'd.... HURT you..." she whispered. A single tear hit the ground.

Mal stood up, and walked towards the door. "Mal-" Ben started, but he couldn't seem to think of anything else to say. Mal stopped in her tracks, but not turning to meet his eyes. Finally finding his voice, Ben spoke. "I'll tell my parents that you're no longer my lady... do you want me to remove the window?" Mal nodded, walked to the door, and was gone.

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