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Sasori looked around the living room room for the 3rd time.
He could feel someone looking at him, and he was sort of creeped out. Of course, there was only one person that would do this sort of thing, but he couldn't see her.


This girl loved to eye rape people. (It's actually really fun, though!)
She would stare at someone very intensely, until they got uncomfortable and looked at her; at which point she would look at something else, until her victim looked away.
This is something she does when she is bored, it's entertaining to creep people out.

Sasori sighed, and looked back at the T.V. screen, trying to ignore Karma's creepy eyeballs' stare. It was kind of hard, but he just engrossed himself with the T.V.
He was successful in ignoring her, but only for a brief moment, until he heard a noise from behind the couch to the side of him. He sighed and faced the couch.

"So that's where you've been hiding." He thought and stood, quietly.
He silently walked over to the couch, and sat on it, legs folded beneath him, facing the couch.

There was a little room between the couch and the wall, he was sure that that was where she was hiding. He was just waiting for her to pop her head up. He heard some more shuffling coming from behind the couch, and Karma's head popped up.

"AAAAHHH!" She said, startled he was so close to her, and blushed. She didn't think she would be found this easily.

Sasori sat there with a bored expression on his beautiful face, save for the smirk.
"You shouldn't have been so loud then, and maybe I wouldn't have found you, brat." He said, sneering at her and his eyes following her as she side-stepped out of her hiding spot.

She sat next to him, who was seated correctly now, and crossed her arms and pouted. "Well I thought that eye raping you would be fun, and I'm not a brat you stupid, oversized toothpick!"
Sasori blinked. "Did you say 'toothpick', brat? Was that some kind of dick joke? If you wanted my 'oversized toothpick' that bad, you could have just asked." He said with a mischievous smirk.

Oh. My. Jashin.

Karma was stunned. She, of course, hadn't meant it that way. She couldn't believe what she just heard, and blushed. When he saw this, he scowled. "Tsk, why are you blushing, brat!? You know I didn't mean that!" He said and stood up. After hearing that, Karma smiled and said, "You mean you have a small dick then, Danna!? Is Deidara actually seme !?" She grinned from ear to ear, and skipped down the hall, leaving a very angry read-head all by his lonesome, besides his tiny toothpick for company.


He really hated paperwork.

He was so tired, and he felt a migraine forming. He sighed, dropped his pen on the desk, and leaned back in his chair.
It's funny how the ceiling, the walls, floor, and basically anything, can seem so interesting when you are supposed to be focusing.

While the poor ginger was basking in his misery, and thinking about burning all of this paper, someone snuck into the room. Pain, didn't notice, as his eyes were closed and his migraine was keeping him distracted. Karma crept being his chair, and sat down, commencing the eye rape.
The poor ginger rubbed his temple and groaned, he still had a huge stack of paperwork on his desk that made him want to kill himself.

It was while he was thinking of ways to die, that would be better than doing paperwork, when he felt somebody's eyes on him.

What made him feel that way, you ask, it was probably because Karma literally had her face on the back of Pain's head.

Maybe it was just a lucky guess, but that may have been what tipped him off. Maybe.

Karma was sitting for only three minutes, staring at the back of his head, memorizing every fucking hair, when she got bored. She thought it would be funnier if she got a little closer to him, so she shoved her face into his hair. It smelled nice, actually. She wouldn't mind staying like that.

Pain cleared his throat. When she didn't move her sighed, and asked slowly, "What are you doing, Karma? Can't you bother someone else?" Truth be told, he didn't want her to leave, she could distract him, but she could also make his migraine worse. Oh well, it would still be better than paperwork.

Karma answered, voice muffled by his hair, which she really liked the scent of. "I was previously trying to creep you out while you were doing paperwork, by eye raping you, but you weren't even working , and it seems my creepiness is wearing off, (I must have used the last of it on Sasori!) because you aren't affected, so I am currently smelling your wonderful hair. Who's shampoo are you using!!?" She inhaled deeply.
Pain was used to Karma's weirdness, so this didn't really bother him, and it also gave him an opportunity to procrastinate.
"I use Itachi's, it is the only shampoo in the world that is fit for a god, with such luscious hair as myself." He said with a straight face, still allowing Karma to inhale his scent.

"My weasel's hair does smell like this! No wonder your hair smells amazing!" She ran towards the door and gripped the handle. She stopped and looked at Pain. "Hey, shouldn't you be doing paperwork right now?" She said, kind of like a mother scolding her child for not doing their homework, or just bitching about nothing.

Damn mothers.

He looked at her sheepishly, and raised a finger to his mouth.

"Well that's what you get for being a soul-less ginger! Now finish your paperwork or I'll tell Mama-Konan on you! She'll ground you from blowjobs for a whole year!" She said triumphantly and with a smirk.

Pain stared at her wide eyed for a moment. Konan would do it to, those were his rewards for all that paperwork, and he didn't want to lose those.

He grumbled and begrudgingly grabbed his pen. "That's what I thought." Karma said smugly.
She had heard him "get 'er done" before, in fact the whole Akatsuki has, but that's another story. ; )

Pain turned and threw his pen at her. It missed, hit the door, and exploded on her shirt.

Don't threaten your boss with losing his blowjob privileges. Especially, if he is a soul-less ginger.

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