Something New!

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Don't worry, this isn't a story saying that I'm quitting this book or something along those lines. Some of you might have noticed that this is way longer than any previous chapter I have written. I just wanted to write an actual story for something, and I had a story for a drawing I drew a few years ago, so I thought it would be a fun idea to write the background story for her. I hope that you enjoy it!

Warning: This Chapter Contains Things That Might Be Sensitive To Readers. If you cannot handle the following topics, I advise that you avoid reading any further.

     Murder, Violence, Abuse, Sex, Foul Language, And/or Mental Disorders.

     P.S. No, the sex warning DOES NOT mean this is a smut, it just grazes over the topic of sex, and I wanted to put it up there in case someone doesn't enjoy reading about it. Thank You For Understanding!

     Do you think it is possible for someone to make you feel sorry for someone who has killed somebody? Well I hope I can, because this is the story of how I died.

     I was walking home from a late night spent eating dinner with some people, hoping and praying that my father is not home yet. My gut turning as I thought of what would happen if he beat me getting home. As I walk inside the flat, I smell copious amounts of alcohol, and hear a soft groan.

     The second I close the door, I hear a soft, "Hi honey. What were you doing out so late?"

     The second he says that, I bolt out the front door crying, whilst hearing that man screaming all kinds of profanities at me, finishing off his slurred monologue with a loud, "If I ever see you again, I'll make sure you won't see anyone ever again, you hear me, you stupid bitch!"

     I run to the only place I can think of, my only friend's flat, Chris. I bang on the door repeatedly, praying that my father can't find me. The whole time I was running, I felt a soft buzz in my pocket, knowing that it was him, I ignored them all. The second Chris opens the door, I run in, falling into her warm embrace. She sees my face and instantly freaks out, knowing what I'm about to say.

     "I'm sorry. I did it again. But how can I not. That man doesn't even let me eat! I need to have food! The nurse says if I don't put on some weight, then it might lead me into a hospital bed, and you know I can't do that. He's not willing to spend money on food for me, let alone a hospital bill, and I haven't earned enough money to pay for something like that!" I say while crying into her arms.

     She gently smooth's my hair, saying, "If ever need anything, food, water, housing, then you can always give me a call. I hate seeing you have to stoop this lowing for something as common as food."

     I know that she's trying to calm me down, but she already knows what I'm going to say. "You and your boyfriend were busy. I was never going to interrupt you two. You guys are the only thing that I care about. Me having to use you guys is worse than me going on a stupid one night stand with some strang-"

     I was cut off by her pushing me back screaming, "You think that I care about something like that! You have to sell yourself, to men who have no respect for you! All they see you as is a piece of meat! Something that they just have to pay for to get whenever they want! And at such a young age too! You're only 17! 17, I say!"

     I hear soft footsteps, with a man groaning something along the lines of "What the hell", and "Keep it down", before he sees who is being screamed at.

     His eyes widen as he runs up to me saying, "Why are you crying? Did a client hurt you? Wait, was it him?" He says the final question with a growl in his throat.

     I can tell by his demeanor that if I say yes to the latter, that I might end up with one less parent.

     I quickly nod my head yes, even though I know what comes next.

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