A Bullshit Theory

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Comment peut-on exister sans exister ?
(how to exist without existing?)

1. Or Logique :
One way to exist without existing could be... Being able to have a kind of POWER to exist or not, at will. Like a superhero, except, everyone would have this ability. Imagine it like turning on/off a switch *click* you exist. *click* you dont and all the traces of your 'existence' would simply vanish. But then the question would be, are you really existing while existing? (thats a lot of 'existing' lol. This is one of the boring theories.)

2. Or Philosophique :
The other one.. Is rather 'poetic'. Keep logic aside for a moment cos i wont have the logical answer anyways. What if we could not exist while existing, which is, what if we could exist and not exist simultaneously? How or why, you ask? Lets look at the why first, tell me that you've never felt like killing yourself and i wont believe you. But then you think, how could i do this to___(les loved ones, la famille). And then you think : what if there was a way to die (not exist) without actually causing pain to them? Because our "death" is something that happens to the people around us, the people who know us, and not, in anyway, US. It is only felt by them, not us. We're only alive when people know us. And there it is, our HOW : never have any kind of human contact ever, you WILL exist. But not exist at the same time. Hence, the occurrence of the above phenomenon is impossible.

Poetry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora