Chapter 15 - The Rift

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Dedicated to Agnes-Potterhead

Absolute silence

There was no smiles, no cheering, nothing. Hermione felt unable to talk, or move, or do anything. How is this possible? Harry stared at her and Ron
"I didn't put my name in" he spluttered "You know I didn't"
Neither Hermione or Ron responded

Dumbledore, after a quick discussion with Professor McGonagall, had stood up again
"Harry Potter!" he called "Harry! Up here, if you please!"
"Go on" Hermione hissed, shoving him slightly

Harry slowly got up and walked over to Dumbledore. The students of every other house was glaring at him, and some kind of angry buzzing was echoing through the Hall. On the Gryffindor table, however, the looks of blank shock were slowly becoming grins as they worked out what had just happened. Just as Harry left the room, the Gryffindor table erupted into cheers. Hermione did not join in, and neither did Ron

When the cheers died down, Dumbledore got up again. Karkaroff and Madame Maxime were both glaring at him
"Can all students return to their dorms" he said "as quickly as possible"
There was the normal deafening scraping noise, and Hermione spotted most of the teacher's run into the side chamber Harry had just disappeared into

Hermione found it impossible to get to sleep that night. For one thing, the rest of the Gryffindor's were holding a party downstairs, and nobody seemed to want to stop. For another, she had too much on her mind. Surely Harry would be forbidden from playing? People much older than Harry had died competing in this tournament and they had volunteered! How would a fourteen year old cope? Dumbledore must be able to do something to stop this!

The next morning, Ron came downstairs to breakfast by himself, which surprised Hermione. What surprised her more was how surly and moody he looked. Hermione raised her eyebrows as he sat down. Ron sighed
"Harry and I argued last night" he said
"What?" Hermione cried "you can't think he put his name in the Goblet himself, do you?"
Ron didn't answer. He rested his elbows on the table and put his head in his hands

"Why is it always Harry?" he said after a while
"Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived" said Ron, avoiding Hermione's eye "Harry Potter, saviour of the Philosopher's Stone. Harry Potter, vanquisher of the Chamber of Secrets monster. Harry Potter, Quidditch Star. And now Harry Potter, Triwizard Champion. What am I? Ron Weasley, Harry's Potter's best mate"
"Don't talk rubbish" said Hermione "You're lots of things. You're much better than Harry at-"
"Exactly" interupted Ron "you can't finish that sentence. I can see where the Hufflepuffs are coming from, really"
The Hufflepuffs were all sitting with their backs to the Gryffindors, and every so often one of them would send a glare in their direction
"I mean, you're fine" Ron continued "you're Hermione Granger, top in every class. I'm just nothing"
Hermione had no idea how to respond

"You are good at things, Ronald" said Hermione "and I'll prove it soon, but right now, wouldn't it be better to help Harry? He'll be in a lot of danger-"
"Why do I need to?" said Ron "that's all everyone else seems to want to do"
He got up
"I'm going to find Fred and George" he said "can you tell Harry I'll make with him if he apologises for calling me stupid?"
"He called you stupid?" Ron nodded "you know that he can't mean that, Ron!"
"Hmm" Ron clearly didn't believe her "you're still my friend, aren't you?"
"Yes, of course" said Hermione, shocked by what Ron was implying. Ron smiled
"Thanks" he said "it's nice to know someone's on my side"
And with that, he walked away

Hermione sat there, shellshocked, for a while, before taking some toast and spreading butter on it. As Harry was now one friend down, Hermione decided she'd need to temporarily take Ron's place. Harry had always trusted Ron most and, now they had argued, he had no one to confide in, and he needed a plan

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