XXII - To Kill A Wicked Witch

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Riding into town on the horses, James isn't sure what they'll find there. He knows Nadia is in the town somewhere though, as they get closer, her presence grows stronger, and Nadia can no doubt sense him coming closer to her, and that he's more powerful than he was previously, but it still may not be enough to defeat her.

James still isn't entirely sure on how he's going to kill her, he only knows that he's not going to stop until she is dead. The traitorous woman deserves death, and his mother and Steve's wife, Peggy deserves their deaths to be avenged.

"Have you figured out a way that you're going to kill her?" Steve calls to him, from where he rode his horse behind James's horse.

"No." James calls back. "Not really, I was thinking maybe just do whatever I can to defeat her." He says. "You have some experience with killing witches though, maybe you might come in handy."

James has to admit, Steve's experience in killing witches may come in handy, but maybe not until Nadia is weakened. He doesn't want Steve to get involved while Nadia is still at her full power.

"Well you're lucky I've got some supplies." Steve calls back.

Looking over his shoulder at Steve, he only just notices the cloth bag that Steve has got with him. He never even realized that Steve had grabbed it before they left, but it's a good thing he did grab it.

Looking back ahead of him as he hears Nadia's voice in his head, warning him to surrender to her or she'll kill Steve, Elizabeth, and Grace along with the whole town, James gets his horse to move faster. Though he does feel sorry for having to make Agatha run faster than she already is, he's not too sure how much more the horse can take.

As they draw nearer to the town, James is able to sense the destruction that Nadia has already managed to inflict on some of the residents. He just hopes that whatever Nadia had done to them, he is able to heal them all. Though if she's killed any of them, then unfortunately that is out of his power to bring them back.

Whatever that spell had done to him, it certainly doesn't involve bringing people back from the dead. All that spell has really done to him, is make him more powerful, and made him get a new hand.

Riding through the gates of the town, James is quick to race off in the direction that Nadia's power is emitting from. He doesn't look behind him, but he knows for a fact that Steve and the girls are still right behind him on their horses.

He'd rather prefer that Steve and the girls weren't following him, as he doesn't want any of them to get hurt - especially the girls - but the fact that the three of them are still right there behind him, makes him rather pleased. Though he still would prefer for Elizabeth and Grace to stay as far from all of this as possible, but he knows that's quite unlikely.

Still though, James would rather the girls stay away from all of this. Same with Steve, but even so, he'd much rather Steve stay back than fight against Nadia. Cause truth be told, James isn't too sure how well steve's experience in killing witches will work on Nadia, even when she is weakened. Well, that is, if James can weaken her...

"Steve, you and the girls hang back." James says, getting down from his horse, and leading her over to Steve, who had just gotten off his. "I'm going to go look for Nadia."

"Bucky, wait." Steve says, grabbing James's arm and getting his attention.

James turns to look at him, unsure of what Steve is trying to do. But he realizes quickly what Steve is trying to do as he pulls him in for a quick kiss, and James is quick to kiss him back. Though, the kiss doesn't last very long, and they're pulling apart just as quick as the kiss had lasted.

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