XXIII - The Fight For Vengeance

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Steve groans as he hits the ground of the cell that Sheriff Dugan and his men had just pushed him and his daughters into after they've taken the cuffs off their wrists. This definitely isn't what was supposed to happen, but Steve knows for sure that they won't be in this cell for very long.

Considering the fact that Steve had helped build the bars on the cells in here, it shouldn't take him too long to get himself and his daughters out of here. Then there's the case of needing to get out of there unseen, but that shouldn't be too difficult either. He knows of a way out, and luckily so do both Elizabeth and Grace, as when Elizabeth was younger, she'd used to sneak in and visit Steve here while he was working on installing the bars to the cells, after they had to get a new jail block built after the fire that destroyed the last one.

Steve assumes that both Elizabeth and Grace had led James out that way after they had broken him out. Though honestly, Steve is surprised that no one has sealed that way off so no one can go in or out through it. He would've thought that it would have been closed off by now. But he's not going to complain about it, as they're going to have to get out of there that way.

"Now what?" Elizabeth asks, as soon as Sheriff Dugan, Morita, and Falsworth are out of sight and earshot.

"We're getting out of here, and going to find Bucky." Steve says, as he gets up and examines the bars.

There should be a weak spot somewhere, he's just got to find it, and then they're out of there. Hopefully but the time he finds the weak spot and they've gotten out they're not too late in going to look for James. They seriously hope that wherever James may be in the town now, that he's alright.

Steve knows that there's the chance that James has already located Nadia right now, and is already battling against her to try and kill her, there's a pretty high chance of that. But he hopes that James isn't hurt at all. Though, he's probably bound to get hurt, but Steve is hoping that he doesn't get too hurt.

Finding the weak spot on the bars, Steve grabs onto the bar with both hands, and tugs on it. The bars don't give way, but they do move ever so slightly, which begins to make Steve worry that the bars have since been enforced with stronger bars. If they have, then he's not too sure how they'll get out. Unless...

"Elizabeth, find me something to pick this lock." He says. "Just in case I can't get it out any other way."

Though, now that he thinks about it, picking the lock might be the quietest way to go. Unlike if he were to break it down, Sheriff Dugan and his men won't be able to hear them escape if they were to pick the lock.

Rummaging through his bag with his witch killing supplies, that he's surprised Sheriff Dugan didn't take - and even more surprised that Sheriff Dugan hadn't taken his sword into custody - Steve tries to find something inside it that may help with picking the lock, as it doesn't seem as though Elizabeth and Grace are having any luck with finding anything to use in the cell. It doesn't really surprise him that they can't find anything in the cell to pick the lock with though, as he doesn't expect that type of thing to be just laying around in a cell. Well, not really at least.

Finally finding something that may be of use - a bit of steel wire that he's not entirely sure of how had ended up in his bag - Steve begins attempting to pick the lock. Thankfully it's not too difficult and they're out of there in no time, and off through the secret passage way out of the jail block. Though, before they can go off to find James, they have to figure out what Sheriff Dugan had ordered his men to do with their horses...

The first place they look for their horse's is the stable near the jail block, and thankfully they don't have to look any further as they manage to find their two horses, and James's horse inside the stables with a couple other horses.

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