1; hi tia

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theo rat❤️
hi tia:)

tia bear❤️
what do u want now rat

theo rat❤️
help me take scott down please:)

tia bear❤️
no go away

theo rat❤️
Please Tia, I need to do this.

tia bear❤️
No, lay off of it Theo.

theo rat❤️
Fine I'll lay off, but can you please just change my name from theo rat

tia changed theo's name to theo❤️

thanks b

tia bear❤️
Yea I know u hate nicknames

Yeah I really do, I get teased when the name tia bear pops up on my phone thanks 4 that:)

tia bear❤️
Whatever, also the pack was gossiping about u today hun

What'd they say

tia bear❤️
How much they hate u, I agreed w them

I thought u told them we're dating

tia bear❤️
I did. I still hate your cute ass Theodore

Yeah yeah whatever, but I still need to take scott down.

tia bear❤️
Theo. I told you to lay off of it, I don't want you to get hurt or even worse end up dying.

You never agree with me about this kind of stuff, Tia. It's really starting to piss me off, I can take Scott and I will become Alpha.

tia bear❤️
Stop saying I don't agree with you! I really wish I could Theo, but I've been apart of Scott's pack since Stiles has. And I was never expecting to become a chimera, I was perfectly fine with being a werewolf. Also I almost lost my beta status cause of that!

How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't know who you were! I was just doing my job by finding a twin.

tia bear❤️
Talia is still mad at you cause of that, it's gonna be really hard to win her over.

I don't need to win anybody over Tia.

tia bear❤️
Okay! No more arguing

Then stop bringing shit up.

tia bear❤️
Theo shut the fuck up.

Ok sorry

tia bear❤️
I was going to say that you actually might have a chance of getting into the pack.

I doubt that highly

tia bear❤️
Maybe if you weren't such an ass

It's who I am! I'm the bad guy, Tia. Just accept it or move on.

tia bear❤️
Lay off it, Theo. I'm done arguing with you.

Stop telling me what to do, Tia. Just accept that I don't want to be a good guy so leave it.

tia bear❤️
Fine. Don't expect anything special
for you when I see you next

Whatever, I've still got my hand.

tia bear❤️
Shut up loser<3

Bye tia bear<3

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