Chapter 14

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Troye’s POV:

I get the keys from Alfie, luckily he didn’t ask any questions about why I needed them. The car was by itself, majority of people had left or moved their car to the other side of the hospital. I slide in and adjust the seat and mirrors, so I can see. Couple minutes later I’m pulling into Tyler’s house, I thought that he might need clothes and would get them in case. I put the car in park and walk to the door, that was unlocked. I walk in and see the large red puddle stain on the floor and the splatter marks on the walls. My knees give out and I sink to the floor.

“I’m so sorry Connor... This is all my fault, if I would have stopped drinking that night and if I would’ve stopped Tyler from leaving Australia without me this would have never happened! Hopefully one day you can forgive me and then maybe I can forgive myself.”

I sit there for the longest of time and then realize that I had to be at the police station as soon as possible. I walk towards Tyler’s room and grab a t-shirt, sweatpants, and a pair of shoes. After I have the clothes I walk out the door refusing to look at the stain from Connor’s blood. I close the door behind me and head towards the car. Twenty minutes later I finally find the police station and park. I go to the receptionist desk, which is centered in front of the automatic doors.

“Hello, how can I help you?”

“Um, I’m here to pick someone up.”

“May I know the name of that someone so I can get ahold of their officer?”

“Tyler Oakley.” She types in the name into the system and picks up the phone.

“Hey Jim, someone is here to pick up prisoner 3856.” I faintly hear someone on the other side of the line, but can’t make out any words.

“Jim will be here in a couple of seconds. So you can have a seat over there,” she said pointing towards a waiting area. 

“Thank you,” I tell her and flop down into a chair. I hadn’t realized I had closed my eyes until I heard someone walking towards me.

“Hi, I’m Jim, Tyler’s officer,” he says to me with a hand out. I shake his hand before telling him who I was.

“I’m Troye.”

“Do you have an type of identification on you? Just need it to make sure you are eighteen and that you are in fact who Miss Jackie told us that would be picking up her son.”

“No problem,” I dig out my license from my back pocket and hand it to him. After glancing at it he hands it back to me. 

“Before we let him leave, we need to talk to you. Don’t worry, we are just going to tell you what is going to need to happen over the next two weeks. After hearing all the details of what you are going to have to do you can decide whether or not you accept the terms and are willing to take him. You can follow me to my office.” We walk down a long corridor of cells that are all full, but I don’t see Tyler anywhere.

“He is in the other corridor,” Jim says knowing that I would be looking for him. He opens the door to his office letting me in first, then closing the door behind him. I sit in the chair across from him and prepare myself for what I might or might not hear. 

“So, as you may know Mr.Oakley attempted suicide and then killed Mr.Franta. The court and officers have ruled this as an accident, therefore all murder charges towards Mr.Oakley have been dropped. But, the judge has ruled that Mr.Oakley must go to a therapist four times a week, until the therapist has released him. He is not allowed to live alone, until the court has evidence that Mr.Oakley is stable and deemed fit to be allowed to live alone again. As the person signing this, you will be agreeing to these terms.”

“Wait, if I sign this that means I have to move in with him and take care of him?”


“I don’t know, can I sign it and allow someone else to live with him?”

“No, would it be a trouble for you to live with him?”

“Its just that I live in Australia... And will eventually need to go home at some point.”

“Mr.Oakley would have to go with you. Wherever you go, he goes.”

“Okay, I can do this. He is my best friend I can’t leave him here.” Jim handed me the papers telling me where to sign and date.

“Mr.Oakley is all ready to leave. I’ll go and get him, can you get back to the front office?”

“I think so.” He nods and we both walk different ways. When I get to the front area I see the receptionist typing away on her computer and that it had gotten dark outside. Looking at my phone I realize that it is almost midnight.

Tyler’s POV: 

I wonder how long I’ve been here... Each time my cellmate gets up I know what is going to happen. I’ve given up on trying to fight back, I just give in and it ends quicker. At night I cry myself to sleep from the pain of the endless raping and the fact I killed Connor. I hear footsteps from down the hall and notice it is Jim. He comes to my cell and opens the door.

“Oakley, lets go.” I jump off of the bed and run out of the cell. Jim starts walking back down the corridor and I start to follow.

“By babe, maybe we can see each other again one day.” I cringe at his words and hurry to catch up with Jim.

“Where am I going?”

“Someone has came and signed you out. They will explain what is going to happen and Tyler you have to listen to them. Okay?”


“Seriously Tyler, if you don’t listen you will end up back in here. Got it?”

“Yes, thank you for helping me so much.”

“No problem, now come on.”

He opens the door to the front area and I see the last person I expected to be here. After everything I done to him, he came.

Author's Note:

They are finally together... And will be for a while. How will this work out? I don't even know! Whatever my mind comes up with. So thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting. Love you guys! Stay perfect! Until next update love you fivever!

Decidated to Kourtney *Klee400*, she is my baby sister and is thinking about writing a story. She has really helped me on this whole story so big thanks to her!

Follow me on Twitter and Tumblr - @shipperfection

My youtube account that I share with my two best friends is named Kara Kalina Alyssa ADED. Please go check it out! Thanks!

Well Hello and ByeeeeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora