Chapter 15

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Troye’s POV:

Damn, he looked awful. His hair was a greasy mess and his quiff was nonexistent. The clothes were covered in dry blood... Connor’s blood. I stop myself from throwing up reminding myself that’s all he had, luckily I brought him a change of clothes. The worst part of him was his eyes. The usually beautiful eyes that I could get lost in where masked with a layer of tears and lacked hope. My rock was no longer sturdy enough to hold me, he couldn’t even hold himself. Not trusting my voice I start towards the door and Tyler follows me. I go to the backseat and grab the clothes, hand them to him, and he climbs in the backseat to change. When he finishes he knocks on the window to tell me I could turn around. I sit in the driver’s seat and Tyler is in the passenger’s seat. Before I could start the car he breaks down. I awkwardly hug him and run my hand softly up and down his back.

“Shhhh Tilly, it’s okay. We are going to be okay.” 

“But, T-Troye I k-killed him! How could I ever forgive myself for that! All of this,” he points around and at me before continuing, “is my fault! I’m the one that caused all of this hurt and pain! I ask myself every minute I’m alive why I lived and Connor died!? He didn’t do anything to deserve this, I deserved this...”

“How is it your fault? Yeah you pulled the trigger, but I’m the one that called him asking him to go and check on you! If I would’ve stopped you from leaving Australia or not asked him to go alone to your house, then Connor would still be alive! So if I would’ve done my job as a friend, we wouldn’t be in this situation! Please don’t blame yourself because this is ALL my fault!”

“Troye! You look me in the eyes and listen, listen good. This is not your fault. You were being a good, concerned friend by sending him to check on me. Maybe if I wasn’t such an asshole we could’ve talked through everything without all of this happening...”

I quickly hugged him and he pulled me onto his lap to make the hug less uncomfortable and awkward. 

“And Troye, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what made me think that beating the shit out of you was going to make me feel better, cause it sure as hell didn’t. I hate myself for every bruise I put on you, mentally and physically.”

“The bruises are not what hurts the most...” I swallow hard and choke back tears before spitting out the rest of the sentence, “the fact you left hurts the worst. I wanted to go after you, but I can’t keep chasing something that will never chase after me if I decided to leave.” I can’t look at him, I can’t bring up enough courage to do that. I feel him pulling my chin up, which forces me to make eye contact.

“Please get the insane idea of me never coming after you out of your head. Troye you are the closet human being I have in this world so don’t ever think that I wouldn’t care if you left.”

“Why do you care? Look at me! I’m repulsively skinny with huge eyes and no confidence.”

“Because I love you, dammit.”

Tyler’s POV:

Did I really just tell Troye I loved him? But wait, do I love-love him. I’ve had feelings for him, but I just thought that flirting was the farthest I’d ever get with him.

“I think I love you, too,” he whispers so quietly I barely can hear him.

“Troye you don’t have to say it just, because I said it.”

“I’m being serious. You have always had a special spot in my heart and I just can’t rid of you nor do I want to try, anymore.”

“Anymore?” I ask because my curious side wants to know.

“Yeah, when I first meet you I tried to avoid my feelings, but you kept flirting back and then I was gone. You don’t understand the impact you’ve had on my life.”

“You don’t understand the impact you’ve had on my life either. Troye you helped me get my confidence back and ignore the hate. When I let the hate get the better of me, we both got hurt and so did Connor. You are one of the main reasons I’m alive, because if I would have never meet you... I probably would’ve killed myself a long time ago.”

“Tilly, please don’t say that. You have always been the stronger one and the one that helped me. I will never be able to thank you enough,” he says with tears threatening to leave his eyes. I don’t want to admit it, but I did help him. He was cutting when I first meet him and I forced myself into the situation to try and help him. It’s been three years now and he is clean. I use my thumbs to wipe away the tears.

“Shhh, it’s okay. We are going to be okay, you hear me? Nothing will ever bring us down when we have each other.” Troye quickly picked his head up off of my shoulder and his eyes shined bright with delight.

“I almost forgot! I’m moving in!”


“You can’t say no and my parents can’t say no either.”

“How is that going to happen?”

“Well, when I signed the release form for you I became your ‘guardian’ so to speak. The court is forcing me to live with you, because they have deemed you are not stable enough to live on you own. So I guess you are kinda stuck with me for a while.”

“That is the best news I’ve had all day.”

“Good, but I have to go to Australia once this is um taken care of,” he pauses for a moment realizing that in the real world we had a huge problem. “I need to pack my stuff and you have to come with me.”

“Um, why? Can’t I stay home with my mom or someone?”

“Nope. The papers stated wherever I go you go.”

“Okay my little Aussie I guess we can go to Australia together. I personally think this an excuse to rile up the fans.”

“Troyler fivever,” he mumbled as he crawled back to the driver’s seat. He starts the car and I become very tense. What are my friends going to think? 

“Um, Troye...”


“Do they blame me for this?”

Author's Note:

Troyler moments and a little of background story, I guess. Well who is going to hate Tyler and who is going to still be his friend? Comment who you think is going to what side: Ricky, Trevor, Kian, JC, Sam, Zoe, and Alfie.

I personally don't really like this chapter, just because I don't feel like it well written. Oh well, I need to post since I didn't yesterday. Thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting! 

I love you guys so much!<3

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