a new jailbird.

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it was the exact time that i was snatched up by the police. i snapped. i woke up, seeing myself on top of my younger cousin, blood sprayed on my face and hands while my knuckles collided with the flesh of her face. good thing she survived. hmph. little bitch deserved it though. she was always a fucking cunt; treating me like shit, embarrassing me in front of our friends. i was so fucking close to snatching her breath out of her lungs until my mother stopped me. my aunt was the one who called the cops, who dragged my chubby body out of my home, a screaming, whiny, annoyed mess, who yelled, "LET ME KILL HER!" over and over until i was thrown into their car. such a cramped little space, but i was in for a rude awakening.


the word ran around my head as i listened to the verdict of the cruel jury, feeling the daggers they shot at me with their stares. my parents cried behind me. my auntie just shook her head but i could hear a sigh of relief escaping her lips. i wish i could beat her ass as well. i was given 10 years due to the severity of the so called, "assault" of my cousin. "you will be sent to cartwell's juvenile facility. i hope you can change your act, young lady," the judge mused, my blank eyes staring up at him. "please, during this time, think about what you've done."

my body was slumped against the seat of the bus, looking around at the other teens that just so happened to sit around, male and female alike. i huffed. this fucking sucks. i'm 15, why am i being sent to a virtual kiddie prison with these fucking low-lives? i sighed once more, not noticing the pale girl next to me.
"hey, can you not sigh near me, fatass?" she spat.
"listen here, casper, you can fucking move somewhere else you fucking skeleton." i snapped back, noticing the smirk that tugged at her lips.
"why the fuck are you smirking?" i whispered, as she looked back at me. she looked chinese or korean. probably both.
"you're not that intimidating."
"neither are you, cupcake."
somehow, we ended up laughing together.
"i'm t'ae ji-yong. just call me t'ae or ji."
"nice to meet you. i'm raquel, but just call me rocky."
"so, what are you in for?" she asked, tilting her head.
"bashing my cousin's face in. you?"
"oh, drugs. selling myself. simple things." i turned to look at the window, noticing that their were no more buildings, but trees.
"hey, we're here." t'ae nudged my arm and i glanced over to the extremely large, gray building that only got larger and closer the more the bus drove to it. then, the bus stopped, opening its doors, revealing two large men.
"alright, maggots. get the fuck out of the bus!" one of then yelled, as we all complied, circling around them as the bus quickly drove off. i stood next to t'ae, as we both stared at the burly men. then, a small woman pushed herself between them, a cheeky smile on her prissy face.
"welcome to cartwell's juvenile facility, students. i hope you have fun here."
then, a shiver ran down my spine. i had a bad feeling about this place, and what was in store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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