Let the Battle Begin

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Suzy´s POV

I was so thrilled when amber called me and told me that she already told her close friends (F(x) members) that we are officially together. She was also going to introduce me to them personally during dinner. I was overjoyed that she was going to introduce me to others as her girlfriend.

Our activities when on and l told the other members that l would be going out for dinner with amber and that l am going to meet f(x). The rest of Miss A already knew about amber and l. They witness Amber´s courting and they helped me set up the event l made when l finally answered Amber.

When our last activity for the day was done, Amber came to pick me up. She told me that the others are also on their way to the restaurant.

“Amber, l am nervous. What if they don´t like me?”, I asked my loving llama since l was not so sure of what to expect.

She just laughed and said, “What are you talking about? Of course they would like you. Who wouldn´t? You´re an angel with a very pleasing personality so there is really no need to worry.”

I just nodded because l was still not so confident with myself. My eyes were focused on ma hands then suddenly Amber placed her hand over mine. I looked at her and she said, “And no matter what they think or say about you, my feelings for you won´t change. I love you angel and nothing’s going to change that easily”.

With those sweet words l felt my worries and anxiety leave my body. I was really blessed to have such a doting lover. it made me think that maybe, just maybe l had saved a nation during my past life to deserve someone as rare and precious as Amber.

I leaned closed to her and kissed her cheek and l saw her face turn a little bit red. She was shocked with my sudden action and l just giggled because my love was just so innocent and adorable.

Author´s POV

The couple arrived at the restaurant.  They went to their reserved table to meet the others. Amber and Suzy were wearing matching clothes. Both wore something white and Suzy had a white dress on. What surprised Suzy was that Krystal was also wearing something white while the rest of the girls wore something colourful but she just decided to ignore it and thought it meant be just a mere coincidence.

What Suzy was not aware of was that Krystal had feelings for Amber and that she wore white dress in purpose to ruin the whole couple concept that Amber wanted for them.

“Hi girls, sorry we´re late”, Amber apologized to the girls who were waiting.

“It is okay hyung we did not wait for long”, Sulli said with a smile.

Suzy was nervous because she has so little contact with the girls in front of her. Whenever they saw each other during shows they would only do the normal greeting of “Hello and Bye” but they never really talked. 

Amber being the sweet lover she was noticed her shy angels´ nervous look so she wrapped her hand on her waist and drew her closer. She flashed her dorky smile and was pleased to see her relax a little. Then she averted her gaze to her friends.

“So girls, l want you to officially meet my girlfriend”, Amber started. “Girls meet Suzy, my stunning girlfriend. Suzy meet my friends Victoria, Luna, Sulli and Krystal”.

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