Did you say Boyfriend?

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"No! I refuse to believe it! I can't!" Mom shoved past me, making sure her shoulder slammed into my chest before leaving the living room and going upstairs. This already wasn't going well. And I had a bad feeling that my dad wouldn't take it any better then my mom had, but I had to do this. For Andrew. And for myself. There can't  be anymore secrets. No more hiding. Time to open the closet.

When dad got home, well, talk about a major nightmare, only this was 100% reality and what happened today will probably haunt me for the rest of my existence. I was laying down in my bed silently, the door shut, enjoying the darkness when he came in. No, scratch that. When he barged in, switching on the lights and causing me to blink. He had the look of regret, somewhat hatred, and disgust. And I knew all of those were pointed at me. So I sat up, waiting to take what was coming to me.

"Is this really true?" Are you a fag? A dirty, disease carrying, idiotic, stupidity-filled, sickening whore boy?" Now I was out of bed, on my feet, with my fists balled. "Gays aren't any of those things you just said!"  He snorted, waving a hand in front of his face. "Oh really?" Sarcasm. "What lies have they mushed your brain with? How many of them are at your school? Is there a gang? You know, if they did anything to you that you didn't like you can-"

My words sliced through his. "You don't understand! There's nothing wrong with them! It's the way they are and the things they like! You, mom and this whole stupid city can't judge us! It's unfair and wrong!" He shook his head disappointingly. "No it's not. God made two different genders for a reason, Aiden. To unite them to create more of us. Two girls can't have a baby. Two boys can't have a baby. It just doesn't add up! And to think, two of the same sex? Aiden, that is disgusting! Against everything we-"

"Fuck everything we stand for! Who cares? Who needs a God? I know one guy just like me and he's nothing like what you've told me about gays. He's the best boyfriend anybody could ever...." My hand automatically clamped over my mouth as my eyes widened. Oh shit...

"Boyfriend?" my father whispered, watching me questioningly. I don't reply. Fuck me. "Did you say..?" Please, kill me. I'm screwed up enough now. Put me out of my misery!

"Answer me, Aiden!" Without warning, he grabbed the neck of my shirt and yanked on it. He gave me a burning glare for a little bit and I was about to give in when mom walked in. Finally, she grew enough boobs to come to my rescue, right? If anything, I was Fiona, she was Shrek and dad was the purple big ass dragon. Or was it pink? I really didn't care at the moment. My life was in danger and I'm in distress. Mom pushed dad's shoulder and pried his fingers from his grasp of my shirt, with little effort. And now, I think he was turning on her. Uh oh, Shrek, here comes the fire-breathing dragon. Save me? "What do you think you're doing, Mary?" He yelled.

Personally, I'd be scared as fuck. Maybe even piss on myself, but mom didn't flinch whatsoever. She only crossed her arms over her chest, her nose in the air like a preppy proud cheerleader who just did a triple flip. "I don't care if he's a sin, he's still our child and it's a sin to harm our children!" Religion .vs Religion? Go figure. I thought she'd at least agree with me that being gay was alright. Nope. Nada. But I was getting a kick out of it. I wanted to laugh in my dad's red face so badly. He was not the type of man who liked to get bossed around by his own wife. He always said, "I'm the man of the house or I'm the king of our palace." Yeah, no. Queen bee over here just knocked you a throne down. 

"I wasn't going to-" He stopped when she raised "the" eyebrow. "Whatever..." Dad walked out of my room slowly with a slump to his posture. I'm guessing he knew that he just got screwed in the face. I hid my smile as I turned to look at my mom. Her eyes still had that stinging glare in them, so I looked at the ground instead. "Uh, thanks mom. You really saved me back there. I would have been a.."

She cut me off. "It's enough already to find out that you're a sin, but now you're dating one? Aiden, this is hell..." And with that, she left my room, without another word, wiping away a tear that she's been holding back the whole time. A tear that I caused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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