Chapter 2

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~Kermit's POV~

I wake up and I feel dizzy. I look to my left and see Peppa, all tied up and with tape on her mouth. She's still asleep and I wonder if she's okay. I look down and see that there is no floor. We are floating in the air?! Peppa wakes up slowly and starts panicking and I do the same. We are tied up to a big wall. It swerves around a little and goes over a few hills. It has bright lights on it and...ducks? To be honest I thought that was Peppa making all that noise. I look to my right and see a big banner, it says "The Wall". Were we strapped to The Wall?! The Wall that sits on the Mexican border?! Apparently so because it said that right underneath the banner in small bold print.

"KERMIT!" Peppa yells a bit muffled because of the tape on her mouth. "WHERE ARE WE?!" She says. "THE WALL!" I say nodding my head towards the banner to my right. We hear the ducks quacking louder than ever. The ducks walk to the side of the wall where we are, the ducks quacking gets loud and louder and suddenly, the bright orange man appears on the top of the moving ducks. He has a baton made for gymnastics. He's also wearing a gymnastics outfit revealing most of his saggy orange skin. I didn't have any interest in this man but it looked like Peppa did. She was staring at him with a gleam in her eye. She was also kind of drooling. I softly nudge Peppa's shoulder and she looks at me. She shakes her head as if she was in a trance. The man continues to walk to the side of the wall.
     Once he finally reaches the side of the wall he lets out a yodel. It's high pitched and squeaky. At the end of the yodel he coughs. He coughs so much that his saliva comes out of his big mouth and lands on Peppa's nostril. She snorts it into her nose and she grows wings. Her eyes turn red and she soars out of the ropes that tied her up. I feel a hand on me and look over to see Lincoln Loud with small ostrich wings. He stares into my eyes as he unties me. "Forget about her! Come with me!" Lincoln says while holding his hand out. I hesitate to grab ahold but I grab on. He takes my hand and we begin to fly.

~Authors note~
Sorry this chapter was so short but I'll try to update more often 🌼


 Metanoia // Kermit The Frog X Peppa Pig Where stories live. Discover now