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He entered the humid room to see a group of girls huddled around a circle pointing at blue. Of course there wasn't a boy in sight but there was a girl who was not in the huddle of girls. She had long ginger hair and skin as pale as snow with freckles on her Rosie cheeks girls eyes where bright blue under her circled black glasses. Her build was small and short but she seemed to be the most graceful girl in the room just by him looking at her. The girls head was buried in a large hard cover book. Blue was ten at the time so he didn't know much about love but this girl was special but he had no clue why.
He gathered his courage and marched to the girl "h-hello miss" he felt his confidence plummet to the floor and shrivel up "I'm b-blue..." he stammered. The girl looked up and let her glass like eyes sparkle in the light "I'm Autumn smith" she smiled. Blue was so surprised she didn't tease or laugh at his name. She responded like it was a regular name.
"Alright students. It's time to stretch." The instructor walks inside with her head held up high. As they began to stretch he realise one thing. He was not going to miss one lesson of this class.

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