Chapter 3-Years Past Beyond Me

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~10 years later~

~16 year old Luna~

Yay! Finally leaving high school to do fun things! Yeah, no. You see I'm abused at home and I would rather stay in school and get bullied by Grayson and his gang then go home. I just walked out of Lincoln Park High School not wanting to go back to my step-family's house. You see, about 4 years ago, I was adopted by Mr and Mrs. Parker. They were nice to me for only a month, but then they changed dramatically. They started to call me names and would beat me for no random reason. Plus I was like their maid/slave. I never want to go back, but I know if I don't, then they would just double my punishment. I start to walk back to my house, but then a robber aimed gunpoint at me and told me to go on the ground and give him all my money. Not wanting to get killed, I did as he said and he grabbed my only money which was $20 and left. About 30 seconds later, I checked around to see if he was still there, but after I saw he wasn't there I got back up and continued to walk to my house. I wasn't going to cry because what was the whole point? It wasn't going to bring my $20 dollars back to me. I soon arrived at my house and hesitantly turned the brass knob and entered the house. As soon as I closed the door, I went straight to the kitchen to wash the dishes and cook. If I didn't do either of these, I would've been slapped and I didn't want to witness that again.

~(time skip because author is lazy) 1 hour and 30 minutes later ~

After I finished dinner, I setted the plates on the table and went upstairs to do my homework. I was actually surprised when I didn't hear anyone come in the house yet, I enjoyed this peace and quiet. *Front door opens, slam* I take it back.

~Luna's Father point of view~

I came in to see if my worthless daughter did what I had told her to do. I saw on top of the table two plates of chicken alfredo. Good. I looked to see if the dishes were washed and put away. Good. I went into the laundry area to see if the clothes were washed and folded. Not good. "(Y/N)!!"

~Luna's point of view~

Oh no! I came running down the stairs, nearly falling on the last step. I ran and took a halt to see my father mad as ever. "Why didn't you wash the clothes like I told you to?!," my father told me. "I- uh- was-um.. *Smack* "I DIDN'T SAY FOR YOU TO STUTTER NOW DID I?", my stepdad said. "No Sir.", I said trying so hard not to stutter not cry. "GO BACK UPSTAIRS YOU WORTHLESS GIRL!" my step dad yelled. As soon as he said his orders, I ran upstairs to my and closed my door slowly, not wanting to get slapped in the face again. I ran to my mirror to see if there was a mark on my cheek. As I suspected, a red hand print. I hesitantly touched my cheek just to pull back from the pain it caused.

Hello my Shooting Stars⭐! I hope you enjoyed the third chapter! See you beautiful/handsome people in the next chapter!

"It Was Only Just A Dream, Luna"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora