preference (14)

329 12 0

Lazy days with them would include

Jaeden -
- him  being adorable
- laying on bed and talking about stuff
- cuddling
- ALOT of kissing
- him always laying his head on your lap.

Jack -
- movie nights
- making jokes
- going live all the time
-cuddling if course

Finn -
- coming pizza
- watching scary movies
- play fighting
- dancing and singing weirdly
- wearing his over sizes sweaters

Wyatt -
- tickle fights
- messing with his hair
- lots of nose pecks
- popcorn

Sophia -
-blanket forts
- brownies
- lots of kisses
- trying to braid her hair
- watch all chuckys
stranger things

Millie -
- live
- make cookies
- movie nights
- cuddles
- cheek pecks
-admiring each other and her accent

Sadie -
- braiding each other's hair
- watch cartoons
- dressing up
- Snapchating each other in same room
- cuddles

Noah -
- naps
- bunch of kisses
- wearing his clothes
- make chocolate cake
- take like 863727 photos

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