Chapter 1

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I settled into my seat, northbound by train towards Note City originally known as New York City, ever since Mr. Barks took over after his wife and son died things have... changed. Jackson's body was never found but his mother Mei Ling's was slight charring was found on her skin along with a bullet wound and a slit throat. The body of the attacker was also found but he was beyond identification like someone had roasted him alive, he also had a bullet wound and it was found that the gunshot was what killed him. It's been nine years now and Jack would've been eighteen this month. It was early May and spring was coming to an end and summer beginning.

I hadn't been back here in years and it feels strange coming back now, I left three years ago with my family up towards the falls near Canada. And now I can't believe I was coming back, roses in my hands, speeding down these tracks. I had noticed a shady figure sitting in the back of the cabin, hood pulled down over their face, white earbuds leading into the darkness. A strange pair of Amber eyes glowing eerily beneath it. I returned my attention to the front of the cabin as the train jerked to a sudden stop, and a group of people boarded demanding all devices capable of playing music.

I had heard about the Anti-Magic Rebellion in Note City when I was planning this trip, they hated magicians like me, unlike some I don't need music to use my magic but it makes it easier, stronger, like a conduit. I started to get nervous, what would they do to me if they found out? I set the roses down and stood up getting ready to make a break for it when I heard one of them scream at me. Raising my hand towards the window I focused my magic into a small point on my palm, using my free hand I placed an earbud into my right ear. Not even paying attention to the song that was playing, I felt the familiar surge of energy in my body as my magic amplified itself. I let the blast fly free from my palm and expanded the invisible energy outward like a shockwave, blasting the window out of its frame. Two men grabbed me by my arms dragging me backward, using my magic I propelled myself with them and slammed them against the opposite wall and then dove out the window I had just shattered. I hit the ground roughly, feeling a few cuts in my arm from where pieces of glass had caught it when I landed.

I wasn't in the clear yet, I picked myself up and began running towards the trees. I felt it before I heard it, a searing pain tearing through my thigh and then another through my right shoulder. Gunshots rang through the air, echoing in the distance. Was I gonna die here? Is this the end? I look back towards the train to see two men and a woman walking my direction, a lion, a wolf, and a rabbit. All holding guns, with a readied aim.

"Sorry, but you're coming with us," the rabbit smiled at me with a cruel tone to her voice. The lion began laughing hysterically as the wolf just simply brought his hand back ready to strike. That's when I saw it, the shadowy figure removed his hood and was approaching them confidently.

He was a blue wolf, two gold piercings in his left ear and a silver cuff piercing between them. Anger heavy in his gaze as he approached, but his fur didn't look like fur it looked like pure fire. Flowing and flickering like it was alive, I could almost hear the crackling but I could definitely feel the heat. He pulled his paws out of his pockets and they looked to be burning as well. Who was this, he looked familiar like somewhere in the back of my mind I knew him... wait. No, it couldn't be that's impossible he's dead!


I approached the window pulling out my phone, switching to a song with the highest tempo in my playlist. Sending my magic into a rage as it surged through at an almost uncontrollable rate, turning my fur into a fire. I jumped down, out the window slightly melting the metal as I did so, anger boiling within me only making the magic that much harder to contain. I knew who this fur was, and I could tell by the look on his face as I approached that he was remembering who I am. Under the moonlit sky, I probably looked like a demon incarnate in his eyes, I might as well have been.

The rabbit noticed me first, fear suddenly appeared in her eyes like a little kid who just wet their bed. She readied her gun and got the others' attention as I continued my advancement. Now they all aimed at the ready, guns pointed towards me. I broke into a sprint towards them as they pulled their triggers, three gunshots ringing in the air. Three bullets that would've torn into my skin aiming to kill, but I had slid to the ground last second and their bullets just clanged against the metal of the train leaving holes in its side. I held my hand to the ground and sent a wave of fire circling around me expanding it towards them, fighting it for control, to keep it contained, it roared in protest but obeyed my commands. I heard one of them yelp as the flames kissed their skin, but I wasn't done. I charged at them, tackling the wolf to the ground, he began to scream as the heat from my paws seared his skin.

I'd say I felt sorry for him but he brought him upon himself, attacking innocent furs. I punched him in the jaw leaving a scorch mark but otherwise, he was out cold, ironic. I turned my attention to the bunny and the lion, it was the lion who I had burned, holding his hand tenderly. Both were trembling in fear as I nodded my head to their cars and kicked their buddy to them. They took the hint and grabbed the wolf and ran.

I walked over to Cole who looked astonished and terrified at the same time. I pulled out my phone and put on the slowest song I had and turned the volume down to where I could hear him, my flames extinguishing as I gained complete control over them. I held out my hand towards him ready to help him up, smiling.

"Hey, it has been a while..."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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