I'm In Love With My Brother's Enemy! (Prologue)

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Okay so i'm new to the Wattpad system but i hope you guys like this. This is dedicated to ZombieCatNinja considering she helped me with this story, coming up wit the ideas and everything. I do not own Durarara but i do share Kyana and Takara with ZombieCatNinja. But Ryuu Fukatashi is my made up character.

                                                                Kyana's P.O.V.

    Today is August 8th, me and my brother are back at Raira Academy High School gor our Senior year. Him and I are supposed to meet Shinra's new friends at lunch today. So to pass the time Shizuo and I are fighting this gang who decided to jump us when I was taking my meds, but let me explain first before you jump to conclusions.

    I am taking certain medication because when I was born as Shizuo's twin, a.k.a. the monster of Raira Academy, I was born with bad organs, as Shizuo was born with supernatural strength, and Kasuka was born with, well with awesome acting skills. I used to spend all my time in school and in the hospital, so I don't even think I even slept in my own bed once. Oh well, that was the past.

    So now that we're done fighting the idiots who picked a fight with us, we're heading up to the school's roof, where we will eat our lunch and meet the unfortunate souls that get to meet us. Nobody really likes us, because we're scary and this why our name for this city is 'The Monstrous Twins of Ikebukuro'. But even though I'm diagnosed with millions of medical problems, I still know how to fight , sometimes even better than Shizuo. Oh well, we both mine as well get this meeting over with so there will be no dramatics, I hate drama, it is such a pain.

                                                              Takara's P.O.V.

    Ughh...if this nerd doesn't shut up soon, I'm gonna kill him... then I'm gonna kill my brother for ever becoming friends with him. This Shinra keeps telling us that we are gonna meet our new 'friends'. I don't need anybody except my brother to be my friend. Plus anyways these so called 'friends' don't seem to be near my type of selection.

"Hey Takara, stop thinking so hard, it's not like we're actually going to become friends with them."

"What do you mean Izaya?"

"Well I need new pawns for my game you know, plus anyways I know how you are with people other than me."

"Then thank you Izaya."

"No prob, just lighten up a bit more and relax."

    Well I did, I always listen to my brother, but I hope that we can hurry up and get there before I die from Shinra's annoying voice.

   We are now going up the stairs, and guess what, I've had it with Shinra, so I ran up the stairs only to be staring at a blonde haired brick wall that just got a door in his face. Of course I laughed, well until the blonde haired chick next to him threw a punch at my face only to be stopped by my brother's hand. This is when it was decided that we would not be friends with those ugly freaks. This is war between us two girls and two guys.

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