Chapter 16

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Jason's POV

I woke up and turned onto my side, groaned from the pain I felt in my chest. Who the fuck punched me?

"Careful. You were hit pretty hard. Take it easy." A voice next to me said. I slowly realized I was in the school nurses office, laying on a bed. I pulled my self up to rest on my elbows and I looked around.

I see the nurse and Penelope were sitting across from each other. She was cleaning up her knuckles and some scratches on her face.

"What happened? I asked.

Penelope sighed. "Give it a minute, you'll remember." She said. I laid back down and started thinking. It started to all come back to me. The kiss, the fight, THE FAIRY! She punched me.

"Ohhhh!" I exclaimed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Yeah." Penelope said. "What happened after all that? Where is Cereza? What happened to Brianna and where are Marcus and Leon?" I asked.

Penelope huffed. "So after you landed on those people, you blacked out. They're fine, just some minor injuries, cause you know, a body landing on you doesn't feel good. That teacher that was in the hall with us, sent us all to the principal's office. I had to beg, BEG them not to call the cops or an ambulance. We just put you in the nurse's office and you've been here ever since. Cereza, Brianna and I are all suspended for a week. Brianna already left, and once I'm done getting my hands patched up, I have to leave too. Marcus and Leon should be in class right now." She said.

What the hell did I just witness? Since when could she do that? Since when is she a fairy? Since when did fairies exist?

I sighed. I knew I shouldn't have brought my ass to school today. Why was she being so cool about this? She should be just as shocked as me.


"I didn't kiss her." I said. "Then what did you do?" Penelope asked. "I was trying to push her away, I just didn't want to push her so hard that I like, hurt her. She's still a girl. I didn't pucker up or nothing." I explained.

"Whether you kissed her or not, your lips were touching when Cereza saw you." Penelope said.

"Ugh, don't remind me." I say feeling ashamed.

"And then for you to say that stuff to Brianna about Cereza. I've never seen Cereza so heartbroken. If my knuckles weren't bleeding, I'd fuck you up right now!" Penelope exclaimed.

"Language!" The nurse said. "Sorry." She said.

"Penelope, I never said any of that stuff to Brianna. She lying and making all that up. Our conversation didn't even go that way at all." I said.

"So, what was being said that made it seem like it was alright to kiss you?" Penelope asked.

"I don't know, I promise you, I don't." I said.

"Welp. I'm done here. You're free to go Miss. Moorer." The nurse said cleaning up her supplies.

"I have to go talk to Cereza." I said trying to get up.

"You have to rest first. Like I said, you got hit pretty hard. You need to lay down for a minute." The nurse said gently pushing me back down. "Just wait till after school. See you in a week." Penelope says before leaving the room.

I sigh.

What a shitty day today has become.

Cereza's POV

After crying myself to sleep, I woke up again around 3:10PM. My pillows were still wet from my tears, but my fairy form dropped! Maybe I just needed to call down. I saw my phone and decided to see if I had any messages.

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