Chapter 3

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The Cold. It captured me in its harsh grip and mercilessly imprisoned me.

Waking up from my forced slumber, my eyes were acquainted to the hard stone ground that substituted for a bed.

There was a soft clink and clank of battling metal against each other, forcing me to look up to the sight of Nicholas unlocking my chained wrists.

His usual brown eyes were crimson and piled with emotions. It was a familiar sight as the Prince tended to get angry easily.

" You're so stupid." He was evidently constipated with rage as he helped lift me off the floor I was already accustomed to. My small feet felt numb as the blood circulated through my legs again. "You don't understand what you just did."

Oh I understood what I did. I attempted to kill the very girl that was going to kill you, me and many others.

Of course, I couldn't allow those fresh words to sprout of my mouth like daisies. It would only paint me as a psychotic child that needed to be confined on a leash.

" Enlighten me on what I ' don't understand'" I spoke, reaching into my back pocket to retrieve a packet of baby wipes to clean my face.

" You tried killing someone, that someone being a vampire princess. When she and her butler brought you here with me following along , they went straight to my dad about you. I know he doesn't want to, but he's going to put you through some sort of punishment for treason.I won't allow it and since when did you start using words like 'enlighten'".

The idea of punishment didn't faze me. I was know for resembling steel. I was unbreakable, at least physically.

If the king didn't serve me with any form of discipline, it would be considered an offence to the princess, which could start a war and blah blah blah.

" Nicholas don't bother. I'll be fine."

" No you won-"

" Nicholas, I told you not to try anything. " We both gazed at the wide door accessing all the cells, eyeing the man with neatly combed hair and squinted Hazel eyes shot in our direction. It was Nicholas' father and my King.

Nicholas disrespectfully snarled at his father, his tiny fangs flashing in brave defiance against his own blood.

Unconsciously, a proud smile grace my face to see the risky lengths he'd travel for me. Even though vampire kids were the same as humans but slightly stronger, we could still flash our fangs and have our eye colour change when emotional.

The King stepped forward, unaffected by his son's menacing red eyed stare.

" I don't know why you did what you did Axel" he spoke, fully addressing me, his voice always coming out smoother than silk without the slightest quivering as it loudly boomed across the cells and demanded for utmost attention. " I hope you know I see you as one of my own and that I'm sorry for whatever happens after this."

" What are you going to do to him dad?"

" I'm not going to do anything."

Nicholas abruptly propelled himself at his father, attaching his legs around the man's torso and desperately clawing at the king's face in an attempt to avert his prey's attention.

" Run Axel."

If it weren't for the clear fact that the King could never harm his caveman child, I wouldn't have hastily sprinted away from the comical display.

Entering the prestigious hallways of the castle I lived in, I was accompanied by the light pitter patter of my shoes colliding with the marble floor, emphasising the eerie silence and desolation of the place.

I knew my way around the castle as good as the king. Maybe even better seeing as I'd been living in it during my thirty three years of living.

The fastest way out was through the large ball room, so that's were I went.

I was taken by surprise, spotting the small cluster of vampires gathered around the small raven haired girl. She stared right at me as I entered the room, clearly expecting my arrival.


Before I could subtly escape like a trapped fly out a window, I was easily pinned down by the butler that had knocked me out earlier.

" Axel!" I was once again captured
in a spiral of utmost surprise by the firm and aggressive voice of my mother.

My family was amongst the waiting crowd, my mother and father giving me disappointed looks and Aurora looking like she was on a happy field trip.

What the hell was going on.

" I see you've come to join us." Charlotte's voice made my blood boil but not as much as the hideous floor I lay on. The thought of all the dirty feet that trampled on this platform, only for my impeccable cheek to collect all that bacteria for itself. That thought disgusted me.

I forcefully rolled under the butlers weight, catching him of guard so I lay on my back as relief slowly washing over me. I'd rather dirty hair than a dirty face any day.

The butler kept a close eye on me, confused by my desperation to turn over but covered it up quickly.

" Well, little boy, I'm guessing you know about your punishment " Charlotte taunted whilst walking into my line of vision.

" You're younger than me bitch. " That gave me a solid punch from her sheep of a butler. At that moment, I swore I'd kill his princess in front of him and then kill him after.

" I could sentence you to death " she paused ,grinning in anticipation, " But what would be the fun in that."

" Than what are you going to do?"

She grinned like a Cheshire cat, lowering her face to a closer proximity to mine.

" I'm sentencing you to an eternity with me."

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