character ask answers

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a/n: ayyye! thanks for all your questions! you guys are awesome!

okay, without further ado, here we go!

zara larson

what made you like finn?

well, i had a little bit of a crush on him when i saw the first season of stranger things, but i didn't start really liking him until we hung out that first time. he's just so funny, every time he makes a joke, i laugh so hard i almost pee my pants. and he's cute, so that doesn't hurt.

bitch what was it like to date two frickin icons

umm it was pretty lit, not gonna lie. i feel pretty bad, though. i don't think i ever should've dated wyatt.

what if sadie or indie started liking finn?

well, i don't think either of them would ever do that to me, but if they did, we would have some problems...

what did you first see in finn that made you like him?

well, i kinda already asked this one, but his sense of humor. he doesn't even have to try to be funny, he just is. he should really try stand up comedy, i swear.

bro what was you and wyatt's first date like?

great! he took me to the coca cola world in atlanta, and it was so much fun. we tried all of the different foreign sodas, and he almost threw up, it was so funny. thinking about it makes me feel bad about what i did to him...

finn wolfhard

marry me

i have a girlfriend, but thanks for the offer.

what did you first see in zara that made you like her?

well, i didn't really start liking her until the first time we hung out. after that, i saw that she's really determined in everything she does. i can only imagine how much stress she felt having to live up to millie's portrayal of eleven, but she persevered anyway, and that's so admirable.

sadie sink

do you like wyatt? bc boi you were pretty overprotective when you found out what zara did

no, i don't like wyatt, he's just a really good friend of mine. i did what i did because i was scared that it was going to tear our entire friend group apart, so i thought that if everyone knew what was going on, that would be less likely. and i mean, we're still all friends, so... i was right?

marry me

bish i'm only gay for millie


no, i don't really like anyone, at least, not right now...

how long did you ship zarinn for?

probably since their first instagram post together. i knew they would be cute together ever since that.

wyatt oleff

marry me

i'm good, thanks.


i'm still trying to get over zara at the moment, but her friend is kinda cute...

are you jealous of zara and finn?

i'll be honest, yeah. i'm still in love with zara, but i'm getting over it, and we're all still friends. as long as finn makes zara happy, i'm happy for them.

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