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Kyra's pov

"Charles , I'm already late can't you give me the damn ticket and save the prep talk so I can go to work."

"Kyra, this is your third speeding ticket and you also know that the next one won't be." Officer Charles said with a pointed look and handed me to sign a ticket with the fine of $500.

I hand him a 500 bill I got from my wallet. Don't bother wondering where I got money from it for another story entitled "Kyra's secret way to money"

"Charles I'm not as careless as before and you can't keep a minor in jail." I said taking the slip.

"How could you be so sure kid?" Charles said writing something down.

" I'm a student Charles, we study that." I said sarcastically.

"How did Lucy even take care of this child" Charles murmured while shaking his head.

I got to my bike and drove to work. I texted Hailey to cover for me a bit since Charles here keep me up.

A couple minutes after I arrived to work.

I quickly rush inside because from the view from outside you could really see many people already waiting in line.

"Kyra you're here, clean the table will you? " Hailey quickly said before taking the order of the constumers.

After she said that I directly clean the tables.

A couple hours later the cafe wasnt in a rush anymore.

Some costumers here and there.

Low chattering sound of people talking.

The mild low acoustic music.

I walked to the cashier to sit down a bit.

"Rush drain you a bit huh" Hailey said.

"Just a bit" I keep my reply short but meaningful.

"We were planning on going to shop this friday for school stuff since school is in next Monday, wanna come with us?" Hailey said.

"And by us you mean?" I ask while cleaning the countertop.

" You know the girls, Tyler and probably some of their boyfriend" she said shrugging.

I don't have anything to do anyway.

Lucy and Andrew won't be home for around week so why not.

"Yeah sure" I said.

" I wasn't taking a no for an answer anyway" Hailey said with a funny face.

I chuckled.

Hailey gasp.

"I didn't know the she devil could laugh" she put her hands in her mouth acting all shock.

I slapped her back and said
" Go back to work"

She left laughing.


" So what happen between you and the guy with the red cap?" I asked Hailey.

It was break and I was munching on one of the extra bunch of cookies.

"Well his name is Steve. He is a senior..." Hailey said.

I notice a big smile on Hailey's face.

" Is there something you're not telling me here?" I asked with an eyebrow up.

"Um hekindaaskmeonadatethisfriday" she squeaked fast.

But I understand it. Its one of the thing she taught me.

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