Don't you just love the warm feeling you get in your heart when you think of Christmas? Or spending quality time with your family? Well I don't. Personally, I think it's just another normal day, but with a big fat old man in red pajamas and a terrible hairline involved. What's his name again? Sarna? Santler? Who knows? Anyways, I have a great plan. I'm going to ruin Christmas for my family and no one will ever know it was me. No one will see it coming.
"Kellin! Get down here!"
I sighed and scurried down stairs while scowling at the futile Christmas tree in the living room. "Yes mother?" I smirked knowing full well what she was about to say.
"I told you to stop ripping the heads off of your sister's toys! Come on Kellin! It's Christmas eve for God sakes! Give me a break will you!" she exclaimed. "Sure mom." I smiled maniacally as she just rolled her eyes.
I walked to my eighteen year old brother Gabe's room to get what I needed for my master plan. "Gabe give me your camera." "Okay." He's been afraid of me ever since I "accidentally" killed his hamster. He's been sworn to secrecy ever since. So basically I can get whatever I want from him. Now that it's night time I can finally get started. I already called my friend Vic yesterday so he should be here any minute now. Knock Knock. That's him.
"Vic!," I whisper shouted "Come in and don't be loud or I'll kick your butt." We got to work and soon everything was done. Now all we have to do is wait till morning. About twenty hot chocolates and eleven hours later, the first person came down stairs. Vic and I went further into the closet as we watched. My dad tripped over the string and pulled the lighter. BOOM! Vic and I laughed as the tree lit on fire.Soon the whole family came down and started crying as my bestfriend and I laughed at their mortified faces.
The fire spread to their bodies because they couldn't get out. I obviously locked the doors. Maybe I'm crazy but at least I'm not the one on fire. I let Vic leave because this isn't how he wants to die, and I respect that. If I'm going to hell, my family is coming right with me. I watched as my family died, and smiled a real smile for the first time in forever. I let the darkness consume me, and finally the voices in my head were gone.

ELA Essay
Random(wrote these in middle school) These are the essays that I have turned in to my teacher. The first one, I got a 98 on. Which was supposed to be a 100 but my teacher said it was "too dark". The second one, I got sent down to the office and had to h...