Chapter 10: LARP and The Real Girl

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"How dare you?... Lance... Yes I'm talking to Lance not... Oh on we both cut corners to get close to her it wasn't cheating... It's just a game" said the man as he set his phone down on a small table in his apartment. Suddenly he got a text message that read "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!".

Later that night the man was asleep and he rolled over exposing his arm. A tattoo formed on his arm. The man woke up because of a sudden sound of a horse snorting and then he was forced to lay back down with his arms and legs spread apart. The imprints of ropes appeared on both hands and feet, unfortunately when he tried to scream nothing would come out. He was ripped apart.

"Yeah I love my baby, my heart and soul, love like ours won't ever grow old, she's my sweet little thing, she's my pride and joy" I hummed the words as I looked out the back window in the Impala. It started to give me a headache so I stopped listening to the music, "you ok man?" Asked my dad looking over at what my uncle was doing in the passenger seat. "We have the most powerful weapon we have ever had against demons and we can't figure out a to use it" said my uncle frustrated, "yeah well Kevin's on and when he finds something he'll call. So we wait" said my dad "look these past couple of weeks I know we haven't had it exactly easy and I know what you gave up wasn't easy either. Maybe we have to take the night off go see a movie, hit a bar or 2. Go have some fun. You remember fun don't you?". I used to I thought, my phone rang "Kevin what do you got?... Garth hey... Oh ok thanks... Wait Garth... How did you know where we are?... Look it's bad enough that your tracking us, but it's even worse when you say we've been Garthed... Bye". "Garth had been tracking us on gps and has been assigning hunters cases" I explained, "it's a total Bobby move" said my dad "what's the deal?". "A dude got ripped limb from limb inside his apartment" I explained, "well that's not good" said my uncle. I sighed "working a case while Kevin is on the tablet. That will be our fun", sadly.

I showed my badge to officer and he let us in the apartment, "sheriff. Special Agent Tager, this is my partner Special Agent Rosewood and this is our partner in training Agent Bornand" explained my uncle quickly. I gave a short wave, "FBI. You guys are quick haven't even gotten the body out yet" said the sheriff. "Well the FBI is all work. No play" said my dad, looking at me as if this were my fault that we were on this case. I rolled my eyes, "you know what? Why don't you give Agent Bornand and I a tour, while my partner looks around" said my uncle. "I work better on my own" said my dad, "your world agents. Follow me" said the sheriff. My uncle and I followed him, as my father went a different direction. I looked down at the bed sheets which was layered with blood. "Victims name was Ed Nelson, 31 years old, and an insurance claim adjuster. He lived alone, which is a real shocker considering his place is full of toys" said the sheriff, "so what happened?" Asked my uncle. "No sign of forced entry, nearest we can is that he was tied up and ripped apart" explained the sheriff "died of the shock, massive blood loss. Dealers choice on that one", I looked down in a duffle and saw that there were some chains "what about these?" I held them up. He pointed to the chains and said "that is actually chain mail", "really?" Asked my uncle. "We did find clear rope burns on his wrists and ankles. My uncle walked over and lifted up on of the cloth sheets that had one of the arm underneath it. The arm had a small tattoo that looked like a tree. "So anything missing from the body?" Asked my uncle standing up, "you mean besides the arms and legs? Nope, all there. Twig and berries to" said the sheriff. "What about the neighbors did they hear anything?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest, "the downstairs neighbor thought she heard horses. Stomping their feet and galloping, but I figured she probably left the tv on or she was high as balls. Fortunately we got a real lead off the cell phone" explained the sheriff "apparently Ed's last call was to an Lance Jacobsin, he is an accountant, also in his 30's, also lives alone". My uncle raised his eyebrows at my dad, he shook his head. "How is he a lead?" Asked my uncle, "well the 2 of them talked to each other for a few minutes and after they finished talking. Lance sends Ed here a whole bunch of angry, weird texts" said the sheriff. "Weird how?" Asked my dad, "like. "You shall bleed for your crimes against us" followed by the emoticon of a skull. Then the weirdest one is "I am a mage I will destroy you" said the sheriff reading off of his small notepad "these kids today with their texting and murder. My men just brought Lance into the station for questioning". "We are going to take a first crack at the suspect" said my uncle, "like I said agents it's your world" said the sheriff.

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