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Leah and Mia walked into the warehouse to see the others there, except Madi and Amos who told them they had personal business to attend to back home. They all had their suits, and weapons, except Gabriel and Jonathan. They all turned around to greet the Karen sisters with warm grins. Leah tied up her brown/ginger hair into a high ponytail as Mia did the same only into a high bun.

"When do we get our suits?" Jonathan questioned, an eager smile grew on his lips making the others chuckle, excluding Gabriel, leaving both of the animal shifters confused. "What's so funny?" Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed as he looked around at the Legion.

"You're asking that question already? You both haven't even finished your training yet." Nate folded his arms with an amused grin playing on his face. The eager question was unexpected but amusing to everyone, they didn't even know why they asked in the first place. They weren't in the Legion. "Plus, you're not even in the team. Do you plan on joining?" Athena quirked an eyebrow at them, leaning against Jeno who was trying to hide a giddy expression.

The panther and the wolf looked at each other and shrugged. "We don't know yet. We have families to look after and we have jobs, we're practically adults." Jonathan replied to Athena, the scale was going up and down. They have heard of them before and admired their ambitious wants to protect the state, yet they also wanted to have normal lives. "How do you folks do it?" Gabriel put his hands on his hips before giving them all a questionable look.

Mia understood their stance, she could relate, although she never wanted to be supposedly normal. Normal didn't exist in her dictionary, not when her own and her friend's families were all abnormal. Mia was an adult, older than all of the others here, with being a twenty year old and having the extra job of looking after her little sister who had a similar job to her was stressful. She worked hours on end at the police station and was still training Amos whenever he had the time, but she had to also make sure that her sister and parents were alright.

"It's not easy that's for sure," Mia huffed out, glancing at her younger sister beside her and grinned for a short moment before returning her attention to the one who was curious for an answer. "Ever since I came back to town to see my sister was in the Legion, I had to manage my schedule at the police station. I had to make time to watch over her due to our parents who are now on business trips, I made time to train Amos who is a special apprentice of mine, and I had to make time to always be at my job whenever they needed me. The only advice I can give you and Jon is to manage your time well, make sure you even have the time to do certain things." Gabe and Jon smiled at her as in a thanks for giving them decent advice. It was enough to have them really think of their decision now.

The rest of the Legion had to agree on her opinion, it was true, they've known Mia long enough to see her struggle with keeping her schedule the same constantly. "Alrighty then, let's get started." Eddie clapped his hands together, and everyone formed a large circle.

"How I suggest you start off is by taking deep breaths and try feel for a new energy, perhaps something you haven't unlocked before. You should try, you may have a power you don't know of, my sister taught me and the others that technique." Leah grinned and waited for them to do what she proposed. The panther and wolf gave each other certain looks before chuckling, "This isn't yoga, Leah." Jon stated the obvious.

"We know it isn't but you'll do what we suggest without complaints I hope." Jeno gave the panther and wolf certain looks and they closed their eyes like they were told. Mia gestures for everyone to step back and she began to work her way into the boy's minds to help them with this process. She walked close to the animal shifters but kept a decent distance between them. "Forget everything you wanted to discover before and focus on what you want to seek now. Tell me what it is." Mia ordered and waited patiently for their response.

The Legion || Volume 2  of The Legion seriesWhere stories live. Discover now