what do you when you hate your best friend?

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i've recently come to the realization that i hate my best friend. and there are many reasons for this.
1. she's super jealous any time i mention another friend/ talk to them and complains about it
2. she's a control freak who needs to know what i'm doing every second
3. she won't let me be good at things/better than she is
4. she does like my interests or want me to talk about them
5. she doesn't want me to have any other friends
6. she excludes me to be with the new girl and makes plans with her literally in front of me
7. i don't know her anymore
basically i can't stand being friends with her any longer and i have to act like everything is fine even though she makes me feel so bad about myself so...
ok, so now that you've heard that, i probably sound melodramatic and like i'm exaggerating everything and maybe i am but this is how i feel and i wanted to share that. i also wanted to see if anymore could give me some advice now that i know i'm in a toxic relationship with my best and tbh one of my only friends. thanks

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