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A/N I hope you guys like the first chapter! Feel free to vote and leave a comment letting me know what you think <3

A/N I hope you guys like the first chapter! Feel free to vote and leave a comment letting me know what you think <3

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I hear the familiar click of my camera as I aim towards and shoot a lady wearing a bizarre outfit one would only witness in New York. The middle-aged woman is barefoot, wearing a leopard leotard with only an oversized fur coat to shield her from the crisp winter air. It isn't one of the nice, fluffy fur coats either; it's stringy and dirty like she'd just been rolling in mud. Surely a sight like this can be considered as public indecency! I don't know whether to be disturbed and shield my eyes from the traumatic view or crack up with laughter.

Click. I quietly watch her as she digs into a black leather purse for a cigarette. Click. I take another photo of her as she places the cigarette between her lips. Click. And another one as she lights it, and a final one as she carelessly exhales and blows the smoke into the open air, careless to the fact that people were around to inhale her second hand smoke. The gray cigarette smoke intoxicates the air, swirling about until eventually dissolving into nothing. I hide deeper into the green bushes and hold my breath as she gets closer, I'm scared that if I let out even the smallest of breaths that she'll turn around and catch me. She walks past me and is too consumed with frantically trying to hail a cab to notice my presence. I watch  as a bright, yellow cab finally stops in front of her and she enters without a clue that just momentarily, a complete stranger was not only watching but capturing her every move.

I exhale and grin as I look around the scenery once more, waiting for someone else
interesting to come along. I take pictures of a couple more strangers, none as interesting as the wearing the leopard leotard however.

Allow me to clear up some misconceptions, I am not a stalker. Sure, I inconspicuously take photographs of unsuspecting strangers but it's completely harmless. And sure, I tend to hide behind bushes but I only do so because I'd rather not get caught. Better safe than sorry. Not once have I ever gotten caught. I like to think it's because I'm sneaky. Like a ninja, or a secret spy.

Actually, I've only ever been caught once. I was taking a picture of a baby completely covered with his own slobber and snot. There was even a huge snot bubble forming on his nostril. Gross but funny. Then right as I clicked the button, God decided to punish me with a sneeze attack which just so happened to catch the mother's attention. I was caught in the act.

She screamed incoherently and I was able to catch a few words, "Security! Security! There's a pedophile photographing my daughter! Arrest her!"

And that was my cue. I booked it before she could scream any further, almost tripping on my own shoelaces in a frantic effort to get away. To be fair, the woman obviously over reacted. I was only a stranger trying to take a picture of her baby for my collection. If there was anything to be learned that day, it was that mothers are crazy. Plus, how was I supposed to know I was allergic to azaleas? So technically, it wasn't my fault and therefore, it doesn't count.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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