26 Letters of Moving On

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Are you feeling broken from someone you once loved?
Been there, done that and it wasn't fun
Can't stop crying from that person you always think of?
Don't do that anymore 'cause it's time to move on

let's go...

Erasing you from my heart because you don't belong there
Forgetting all your crap. Waking up from this nightmare
Giving up on you because you only loved me in the intro
Held on for you for so long but now I'm letting you go
I am here now and not gonna let the past determine my future
Just because I was hurt doesn't mean I'll never recover
Keeping you as an experience 'cause I can't keep you forever
Love taught me a lot of things. It made me stronger
Maybe some things are just not meant to be
No one deserves to be treated the way you treated me
Option... that's just what you see
Putting a stop to my efforts since I was never your priority
Quiet... that's how everything was after I got over you
Really felt like I was free. It was calm too
Still had to change and adapt to something new
Thinking of improving myself now. Not thinking of you
U are also here to see how I am at the moment
Very relaxed and I don't have any regrets


Went outside to get some fresh air
Xercise was what I wanted but I don't know where...


YES, I found a place! Finally can do what I want to do
Zoomed to the place and that's when I met

someone new...


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