AMP prt. 2

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Zonnique Pullins

"just what I came in here to talk to you about..Ms. Pullins,we..are very sorry to say,but King has been but into a medically induced coma..he was struggling as is" the doctor told me

I was on the verge of tears

"Where is he?,where is my son?!" Rodney ran in asking

"I assume you are Mr. Cortez" the doctor said

"Yes I am,now where is my son?" he asked

"Mr. Cortez,King was put into a medically induced coma..he was struggling as is" the doctor said

"When will he get out of it?" August asked

"Only time can tell,he wakes up on his own..we have nothing to do with that" the doctor said

"Oh my fucking god!" Rodney yelled in frustration

"But I also came to give you some special news Ms. Pullins" the doctor said

"What is it?" I asked

"Well,first your lucky you did get injured badly,but one thing you might've not known was that today marks your 12th week in pregnancy,but your baby didn't survive that much time..if you also want to know the gender,we can tell you what you were having " she explained

I sat there,zoned out of my in the hell could I be so stupid to let August do this to me again?

"Ms. Pullins?" the doctor said breaking my thoughts

"Yes?" I asked

"Do you want to know what you were having?"

"Yes" I said

I looked over at August,he looked so upset..I almost cried

"Well,you would've been painting pink walls in your house" she said

I laid there,with tears threatening to come out

"I'm very sorry about today" she said then walked out

"August,out of you two,August should be was his baby that I lost" I admitted

"I'an upset about the baby,Im upset that my lil man has to suffer in so many ways" Rodney said

"I know" I mumbled

"Come on man,first my only son is fighting for his life..what other bullshit can happen to me today?!" Rodney sighed in frustration

"Rodney shut up! can't bullshit happens to you,I fucking lost a baby,my mother and now my son are on their deathbeds..if anything I'm going through bullshit!" I yelled at him

"Babe,calm down" August said as he sat beside me

"No you just shut the f-,matter fact..everyone in this room,leave!" I said

"Nique,chill" he said

"August leave me alone!..get out,just get out!" I yelled at him

He looked at me then walked out

"Why does bad things happen to me?..can't I just have one year full of great things?" I said to myself

"All that talkin' you doing ain't helping a thing sweet pea" I heard a familiar voice say

I turned my head

"Mamaw!" I exclaimed

"Hey precious" she said taking a seat next to me

"I was supposed to come see you today,but clearly that ain't happening" I said

"Child,I just came from seeing your mother..that woman is up there going crazy,she wants to come down,her nurse is bring her down after she takes her meds" she said

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