Chapter 12

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* Taylor’s POV *

I’m really, really drunk by this point.

Dear god.

I was dancing away in the middle of a group, not even paying attention to who I was grinding on. The room was spinning slightly and I saw Harry walk downstairs. He spotted me on the dance floor (which was just the living room with all the furniture moved out of the way) and laughed as I sloppily danced around. He walked over to me and whomever I was dancing with backed away. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started swaying back and forth, and I rested my head on his chest, suddenly becoming very tired.

“You okay babe?” He asked, looking down at me. I nodded my head and looked up at him, my eyes heavy.

“I’m svo hamppy jyou game…” I slurred and poked his dimple when he laughed.

“Hah I think someone needs to lay off the alcohol.” He laughed, and my head shot up.

“Ohhh! I want beer!” I suddenly had a huge craving, and began running to the kitchen, but not making it very far. The entire room started moving and before I knew it, I was face planting on the floor. I rubbed my head and looked around, confused as to what happened when I saw Harry chuckling and reaching towards me.

He picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck, snuggling into his chest. He walked upstairs and into one of the bedrooms where we had put all our things, and set me down on the bed. He began walking to get something, and I whined and hit the bed, indicating that he lay down with me.

He lay down next to me and I cuddled up to him, using his chest as a pillow. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head. I looked up and saw Harry looking down at me and smiling. I kissed him softly, suddenly feeling a lot more sober. I leaned into the kiss, suddenly becoming desperate for him. I wrapped my leg around him so I was straddling him and began unbuttoning his shirt, Harry kissing back with passion. All of a sudden he pulled away and moved me off of him. I looked at him with a confused expression and he moved a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed me softly.

“You’ve had a lot to drink, so why don’t we go to sleep? It’s almost 7 a.m., you should be getting some sleep anyway.”

“But I’d rather be doing this…” I said, leaning in to kiss him again, but he backed away before our lips could meet.

“No no no. We can do that some other time. Right now, we both need to get some shut eye!”

I sighed and layed back down on his chest and pulled the blanket on top of us.

“You know, this is the first time we’ve slept together.” I mumbled into his chest and felt his ribcage vibrate from laughter. I looked up and rolled my eyes at him. “You know what I mean…”

“Goodnight love.” He said and kissed the top of my head again. I felt myself doze off and before I knew it was dead asleep.

* Harry’s POV *

I was in the kitchen with Louis and three other people that I didn’t know too well, making ourselves something to eat. It was about half past three in the afternoon, and barely anyone was awake. I heard someone coming down the stairs, and looked up from the sandwich I was making to see Taylor very slowly step off the staircase.

I smiled as she rubbed her head, and opened my arms invitingly. She wrapped her arms around my torso and buried her head into my chest. She was only wearing an oversized sweatshirt and had her hair up in a messy bun, just having woken up.

Louis walked back into the kitchen and greeted Taylor loudly when he saw her.

“Well good morning sleepy head!” he shouted, making her cringe and grab her head.

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