Chapter 17

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* Harry’s POV *

“So when’s your interview?” Taylor asked over the phone. Louis and I had gone back to England about 3 days ago, and she was supposesd to arrive in just under a week.

“I’m actually backstage right now! I think we’re on in 20 minutes or so.”

“Oh cool! This is the first you’ve done in a while right?”

“Yeah…” I said, closing the door behind me as I walked into the dressing room. “Which means they’re going to ask about relationship statuses…”

“And what are you going to say?” she asked.

“Well I was hoping to say I’m in a relationship, if that’s alright with you…” I said cautiously. There was a short silence before Taylor answered.

“Of course you can!” I could tell she was smiling. I let out a sigh of relief. I liked the idea of having an open relationship, not having to hide it from the public eye. It makes things so much easier if you’re honest about everything.

“Perfect.” I smiled, checking my watch. I heard a rapping on the door, and opened it to see Liam fixing the hem of his shirt.

“We’re on in 5 mate! We have to get ready, come on.” He said, motioning for me to follow.

“Alright, just a sec.” I replied before returning my attention to Taylor’s phone call.

“You gotta go?” she asked, sighing.

“Unfortunately. But I’ll call you right after! Are you going to watch the interview? It’s live, but I don’t know if you get it in California.”

“I have it on as we speak! When we moved back my dad pulled some strings and got us a British system for one of our TVs.”

“That’s awesome! Well I really have to get going now, but enjoy the interview, and I’ll call you as soon as I can after.”

“Alright, good luck! I’ll talk to you later then!”

“I love you Tay.”

“I love you too. Bye!” she hung up, and I looked myself over in the mirror once more.

Liam burst through the door and grabbed me by the arm, dragging me out of the dressing room. I guess I had taken longer than I should have.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to our next guests, One Direction!” The host said, and the audience erupted with cheers. I took a deep breath and walked on stage with the rest of the guys.

* Taylor’s POV *

“Ahh Taylor they’re on! They’re on!” Amber screamed at me. I quickly grabbed the bowl of popcorn and hurried to the living room, plopping down on the couch.

We watched intently as the interview started, both of us taking large handfuls of popcorn.

“Now we had some fans send us in some questions on twitter. So let’s start with the one everyone’s dying to know: Who’s single?” the interviewer asked, and Amber and I both held our breath. Amber and Louis had announced they’re relationship a couple weeks after they began dating, but since Harry and I had made it official we hadn’t said anything to the public. It made me nervous knowing that after this simple question, everything could be different.

Niall and Zayn raised their hands, indicating they were not seeing anyone. Louis and Liam seemed content, not acting any differently, and Harry was looking down at his hands and playing with his thumbs.

“Harry, this is a new relationship if I’m not mistaken?” the interviewer prodded.

“Somewhat, yes. We just haven’t announced it yet.” He said, shifting a little uncomfortably.

“Well this is the time to do it then! Tell us about her, what’s her name?”

“Taylor.” his face lit up. He smiled and relaxed.

“And how did you two get together?”

“Well her dad owns one of the arenas we played at in the US, so we met during rehearsals one day. She showed us around and took us all out to lunch!”

“Oh so she’s American?” the interviewer asked, seemingly genuinely interested. She leaned forward and continued, “How do you guys make it work?”

“Well we don’t really have to make it work. It was a little difficult at first with the distance, but when you truly care about someone that much, you’re willing to do whatever you can to even talk to them.”

“Aww!” Niall mocked, and Harry hit him playfully on the arm.

“So you guys are keeping the long distance relationship?”

“She just recently graduated high school, and is actually moving out here!”

“Wow! That’s a big step! How do the rest of you feel about her?”

“Taylor’s great,” Zayn began. “She’s really funny and gets on really well with everyone.”

“Yeah, she’s literally one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. We all love her and are very excited for her and Harry.” Liam added, and I saw Harry blushing.

“Aww Tay this is so cute!” Amber exclaimed, shaking me. I felt my cheeks burn as I continued to watch the interview.

“And what about you Louis? How do you feel about Taylor stealing your man?” the interviewer asked, referring to the ‘Larry’ bromance. Everyone laughed and Louis just shook his head.

“Ugh she needs to stay away, Harry’s mine!” He joked. “No, Taylor’s great. Like Zayn and Liam said, we all get on with her very well, and we’re all very happy for them.”

“Speaking of getting on well, how does she do with the other girlfriends of the band?”

“She hasn’t met my girlfriend yet actually. But I’m sure they’ll get along great.” Liam said.

“Taylor was actually the one who set me up with my girlfriend! They’re moving out here together!” Louis answered. Amber and I exchanged excited glances.

“That must be great! Your girlfriend is best friends with your best friends girlfriend.”

“Yeah it is, actually! Now we just have to get Liam and Danielle in there!” Harry laughed.

They finished the interview and said thank you, and not a minute after they stepped off screen did Harry call me.

“Hey babe!” I answered.

“So what’d you think?” he asked.

“I think I can’t wait to get out there already!”

“I can’t wait either! These few days need to be quick! Well I have to go, I just wanted to see what you thought. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Alright, talk to you then. Love you!”

“Love you too Tay.” Harry replied before hanging up.

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