Chapter 8

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Lauren turns to me with a giant grin on her face the moment they are out of sight. I hesitantly smile back until she squeals and takes me into her arms.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She gushes into my ear. Once she let me go, I settle her down and decide to inform her of the new plans that tomorrow will bring.

"Tyler asked us to show up to the show early tomorrow."

"NUH UH!" I barely finished my sentence before she barged in.

"Yeah, and he mentioned maybe giving me, well possibly us but I don't know about that yet, free tickets to their show on my birthday in Carmel." My heart begins to race as I put the future events into perspective.

"Noelle! This is the greatest summer ever!! And it's only halfway over!" She hugs me again and nearly knocks me over.

"I want to get ready for tomorrow. Will you spend the night tonight and help me?" I ask, turning around as I take in the mess left behind by my fellow Enders. It's not outrageous but I still have to get it cleaned up before my mother arrives.

"Duh!" Lauren replies as she starts grabbing empty bowls and bottles off of the table. I fold up my prized table cloth and place it on the white carpeted steps for future use.

It doesn't take long for Lauren and I to clean up the house and put everything away. By 7:30 we're both tired and hungry. "Let's go out to eat. My treat." Lauren chimes as we flop onto the couch.

"I don't think I can stand back up now." I grumble as I stretch my feet and roll my sore ankles.

"C'mon!" She begs once again. "It'll be part of your birthday present!"

"Okay fine." I finally give in. We make our way to the kitchen and nearing the stairs. I pull out my phone and examine the notifications. There's more than I can bare to read from Twitter. All the party attendees have showed their gratitude for my house party throwing skills. I scroll through them quickly looking for significant names to pop out.

I noticed an interaction that wasn't a mention and I decided to pay closer attention. A direct message from Tyler had been waiting for me for close to an hour now. I opened the unread typing and ready through it carefully.

"You and Lauren should show up about noon tomorrow if you can. I'll let you in the back just call me" The message below that displayed a ten digit number and I suddenly felt as though I had just struck gold.

"What is it?" Lauren asked as I mindlessly reread the messages. She leaned in to read them herself but I snapped out of my trance and quickly closed them before she could see. For some reason, I didn't want her knowing I had just gotten Tyler's number. This was the first time I had ever felt like keeping information like this from my best friend.

"Tyler just said we should be at the venue by noon and he'll let us in through the back." I mumbled forcing myself to wait to save his number until I was alone. We started to make our way upstairs and I grab my table cloth to bring with.

"Eeek! This is so exciting, you have to tell me everything that happened today. I know you and Tyler snuck off a few times." Lauren giggled as she plopped onto my bed. I sat next to her and took a deep breath. For some reason I didn't have the energy to pretend I was satisfied with today's events any longer. "What's wrong?" She finally got the picture.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you but you have to swear not to tell anyone. OK? Like not even Chris." My heart starts to race as I think of where to begin.

"I swear, and I doubt Chris will care to talk to me anyway. Not much progress was gained in that area today." She pouts and then I begin my story.

"Basically, Tyler and I went to the store and he was flirting with me and he like reached for his red bull and I felt his boner behind me and he got embarrassed and went to the bathroom. Then we came back and he had me on his lap and I went upstairs and he came to check on me. He had the wrong door so I went to tickle him and he landed on the bed and started tickling me and I thought he was going to kiss me which is crazy right? Like that would have been crazy fast but I really wanted him to, obviously. Then we got called back downstairs because people came and he ignored me the whole time because he didn't want anyone seeing us. Then he had his arm around me until people came in and then he was embarrassed to be seen with me and he gave me his hat and his bracelet and now he just gave me his number." Man that felt good to get out.

Lauren blinked at me as she took in all the information I just gave her. It takes a second for her to process everything and then her only reaction was, "What a jerk."

"Lauren I am so confused." I said, playing with the shirt I was wearing. I tugged at the fabric as tears swelled in my eyes. This was the first time I had ever cried over a boy in my nearly 18 years of life and I sincerely hoped it would never happen again.

"So he was all cute to you and you gave him a hard on and then he told you he didn't want to be seen with you?"

"Basically." It sounded so much harsher out loud which forced the realization that I was probably just a band-whore play thing.

"Wow," is all Lauren had to say until she got up to get ready for our dinner, leaving me to my thoughts.

Instead of dwelling on what happened or stressing over what tomorrow may bring, I decided to just go with it. Maybe a short lived romance with Tyler would be okay. Maybe there wouldn't even be a romance at all. In an attempt to lift my spirits up, I got up to wash my face and get ready.

The freshly clean skin felt smooth and pure. I love the tingles and even the burn of my facewash cleansing my pours and then allowing all the makeup, sweat, and stress of the day exit through the drain. I walked back to my room and took a seat in front of my mirror. I pulled out my makeup and decided what to apply.

I started with the basic concealer and foundation and then added dramatic thick black lines around my eyes. Then I extended my eyelashes with mascara and finish with plumping red lipstick for a confidence booster. Next, I went to my closet and change my outfit. I kept in mind the rolls around my stomach but I also decided for a daring look. I grabbed a flowing silky black dress out and flashy red heels to match my makeup. After my once over in the mirror, I decided that I liked my new look even if Tyler wouldn't.

Lauren entered the room just as I was finished examining my outfit. "Woah, you look hot." She said as she took in the confident look I was trying out.

"I'm ready when you are." I said as I pulled together my phone, lipstick, wallet, and a few other items I may need.

"Let's go!" She said as we head downstairs.

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