Chapter 11

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Back in my room, Lauren had turned on music and I grabbed my laptop. We sat in silence listening to the vigorous melody that Late Nite Reading provided until their song had ended and the playlist switched to Marianas Trench. The cycle continued and before I knew it, it was 12:30 AM and we were both about ready for sleep.

"I'm gonna hit the hay, babe. I'll see yah in the morning." I said to her, putting my computer away and turning off the music.

"Yeah what time should we leave tomorrow?" Lauren asked as she made her way for the door.

"I was thinking we should leave about 11. Tyler said to be there around noon."

"Alright I'll see you at 9:00 then. Goodnight." She said as she shut the door behind her.

I stood up and glanced in the full length mirror against the wall of my room. I admired the outfit I'd chosen in hopes of a confidence booster. I realized what a crappy job it did in the confidence area and pealed it off. I quickly dressed in comfortable clothing, careful to avoid another look at my reflection.

Once I was in bed, I forced myself not to think about Tyler or any of the boys from Hollywood Ending. The less they were allowed into my thoughts, the easier it would be for me to embrace sleep.


"Can I get you a drink?" Dan asked me from the living room of a foreign house.

"No thanks, I don't drink." I lied.

"Get the fuck out? You don't drink?" Tyler was behind me holding a red plastic cup of his own.

"I used to, but not so much anymore."

"Get her one Danny boy. This girl needs to loosen up." Tyler sipped from his cup and there was a bit of froth that lingered on his lips. I watched as he made a refreshing "ahh" noise and licked his them clean.

"Here you go babe." Chris transferred the cup from Dan to me.

"What is it?" I looked back at Dan once the cup was settled into my hand.

"It's my own recipe. Don't worry kid, it'll loosen you up real quick." He said and winked. I turned away and set the cup down on a table.

"Seriously? You're just going to leave it there?" Tyler was actually getting upset. I picked it up and forced a smile. The edge of the cup drew closer to my mouth and I had no clue what was forcing it there. The liquid filled my mouth but there was no taste. Nevertheless, I seemed to enjoy it.

"Want another?" Dan asked and I looked back into the cup. It was empty. I nodded and downed a second drink.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Tyler yelled as he grabbed for my hand. I dropped my empty cup as he tugged me into another room. This one was just as foreign as the last only now there were dozens of unfamiliar faces surrounding us while music blared through speakers I couldn't see. The alcohol pumped through my veins but something felt as though there were other motivations to my next moves.

I forced Tyler back and took the lead myself, dragging him into the sea of people. I didn't know the song but for some reason that didn't matter. My body flowed and my arms waved as Tyler moved closer to me. I took in all the grinding around me and decided to mimic the others. Tyler filled in the space behind me and I felt every inch of the front half of his body moving with the music. And trust me, there was an impressive number of inches...if you know what I mean.

The music continued and I felt myself pressing harder against Tyler while my fingers tangled in his dark curly hair. He held my hips and kissed my neck. Tyler's actions, mixed with my beverage, only took a few minutes to set my body on fire. I turned to face him dead on, our bodies still touching the whole way down, and cupped the nape of his neck. His lips parted and came crashing down onto mine. I greedily kissed harder and his hand fell from my waist to below my butt. I felt him squeeze while the other hand held his drink. Our lips finally parted but I knew I needed more.

"I think this is something we should finish upstairs." I  couldn't believe the dirty words falling from my lips. The surprise was nowhere to be seen on my face and Tyler smirked at how forward I was. He moved his hand from my bottom and laced his fingers with mine, leading me back into the room we had originated in. He turned for the stairs, still tugging me behind him, and I heard his band members whistling and hollering.

"Yeah buddy!"

"T Wills!"

"Get some!"

My face turned red at the remarks but only for a second until we busted into a bed room. This time, I did recognize the room, it was my own bedroom. Tyler released my hand, set his drink next to the bed, and grabbed for his pants.

"Wait." I said without thinking. "I wanna do it." I reached into a drawer and grabbed a foil package.

I walked back over to Tyler and put the unopened condom in my mouth. I used my two free hands to grab for his belt. Once it was loosened and the button was undone, I yanked a little and the pants fell to the floor. He dropped onto my bed in his boxers and I moved to his lap, handing him the condom. Our lips worked against each other's while I tugged his shirt up. He instinctively grabbed my dress and pulled it over my head.

"Just a sec," He said, and downed the last of his drink. "Wouldn't want it to spill." He chuckled and the foam around his lips looked irresistible.

I once again closed the space between us, feeling myself spill out of my bra and onto his bare chest, as I cleaned the cold froth from his lips using nothing but my tongue. His thumbs traced my panties and I felt the bulge in his boxers grow.


"Bitch wake up." Huh?

I looked at my alarm clock and it was 9:30 in the morning. I was dreaming? Lauren moved to my dresser and began combing her wet hair. I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"You'd better get to showering, we leave in an hour and a half." I unfolded myself from my bed and stumbled to the bathroom. The floor was a little wet from Lauren's shower but it wasn't bad. The mirrors were foggy which I decided I would have been thankful for if I was a bit more awake. I relieved myself and tugged my pajamas off. The water was already warm from Lauren's use and my shower only took about 20 minutes. I washed and shaved and then turned the water off.

Without exiting the tub, I reached into the near closet for a fresh towel that my mother kept generously stalked. I wrapped it around my wet body and grabbed another for my hair. I made my way back to my room, still not clothed, and came to my dresser.

"What should I wear?" I asked my friend and she moved from my desk to my closet and I backed away. She picked through all the options and pulled out a pair of jean shorts. I made a face at them because I was never comfortable wearing shorts. They made my thighs flap.

"Shut up. It's summer and it's fucking hot out. You look great in them." She threw me the clothing and searched for a top. "Do you wanna wear a band shirt or a regular shirt?"

I thought about the question a moment. I didn't want to look like a fangirl but I also wanted to look like I knew a thing or two about bands. If I chose the wrong band, I'd feel stupid, if I chose a band they were friends with, that would be weird.

"Regular." I decided to play it safe.

"Girly or edgy?" She continued the search.

"Hmmm, edgy." I smiled as I thought about what I was wearing in my dream from that night, a lace black dress with little fabric.

"Here." She handed me a gray tanktop with large white arrows pointing up and down. I changed into her selection and grabbed my blow dryer. "You should curl your hair today. You always have it straight."

She was right, I did always have my hair straight. "Do I have time though?" I grabbed my phone to check the time. Without taking in my intended information, I noticed there was a new text message from a few hours before.

"We need to talk sometime today." It was Cameron. What would he want to talk to me about?

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