Chapter 8: A New Year

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          That whole ordeal lasted long, too long. I found myself in shambles everytime I thought of her. It was pathetic. To be honest I was getting tired of finishing last but the more I thought about it I realized that no one my age would be ready for what I want. I felt as if I was a modern-day dinosaur, like in transformers, the really crappy one. I was part of this generation but my cells were made up of particles only found in the years gone by. I felt extinct. I understood how old people feel then. When all your friends die and you're 70 you don't just go out and make friends. You feel out of place. You feel alone. You feel disowned and unwanted.

          I got over her soon enough. I was pretty good at that and she moved away so it made it even easier since I never had to see her again. All those feelings I bottled up and packed them away with the rest of heartbreak, I was becoming convinced that I was born in the wrong generation.

Today we had a job to do in church so I sat in the back row dressed in casual clothes. They were cleaning. It was a work day for the church members and guess what....I'm a member. 

The Church

This church housed so many memories

I looked around to take in the architect around me while I thought to myself.

It practically all began when I started coming here, yes it did, 4 years fly so fast.

          I was at the back right-hand side of the church, observing the people around me run around frantically, talking above the low playing background music. There were very few people my age and only one person I'd talk to on the regular. Thankfully she was a girl, but we came a long way I must say. Looking over to the far left the memory hit me like a bag of bricks. I stared intensely at an empty seat. That was where I first laid eyes on her, her name is Felisha. 


     It was the middle of the worship portion of church and was stationed at the back of the church. I spent 15 years or so unable to move from my parents' side and I was now granted the freedom of movement, along with my younger brothers, it seems as the first born you endure your parents' most unreasonable and harsh regime and as the other siblings come it dies down into nothingness.

          The entire church was standing, singing, clapping. Beads of sweat ran down the faces of multiple people as they danced and pranced with flags and rags. I have to admit the worship was going well, but I just wasn't into it. All I could think of was how hot it was with all these sweaty people, even with the air condition on it was still pretty darn heated. So I clapped half-heartedly and turned around to look down the stairs for no reason in particular and as I did the front door opened up. Sunlight streamed in and one slender leg entered after another, leading up to a somewhat tall, slim girl who turned and looked upstairs for no reason in particular. Our eyes met and I stopped clapping midway. We both froze for a few meagre, awkward seconds and then she snapped her head forward and strode off. She was cute, she was really cute, but that didnt matter much to me then. All i was interested in doing was meeting new people and she was new so it was settled.

          Church drawled on but it was over soon enough and I took a stroll around meeting and greeting people. I was really trying something new, I figured if I act happy and social then eventually I'll become happy and social. In reality, I was just making rounds to see if I could spot her in the most inconspicuous way possible and soon enough i found her, sitting talking with her mother.

           I would have never guessed that was her mother, aside from the height and skin tone they didn't really share many features which would cause me to make that link.

 Darn it....what do I do now?

          I cant just walk up to her and say "Hey, excuse the interruption but whats your name?". 

Wait...that actually didn't sound half as bad as I thought.

          New plan-

Phase 1- Walk up to the mother and strike a conversation with her, out of respect i should acknowledge her first. Also if I mess things up with the mom then its basically game over for me

Phase 2- Position myself so that her daughter is close to me. Appear uncomfortable and confused but don't direct it at anyone make it obvious and general and wait to be introduced. Naturally, the mother would observe the awkwardness and in an attempt to fix it she'd do the introduction or cut the convo. Avoid the latter at all costs

Phase 2.5- If no introduction is made them make yourself comfortable and introduce yourself cause you the shit and they cant run you from a church anyway.

Phase 3- Divert conversation to the daughter. Find basic info, give as little as possible about myself and leave. peak her interest for a few moments and she'd remember you the next time you meet. Next time you could go straight up to her instead of going through someone else. 

Zipper- Check

Breath- Check

Clothes- Double Check

Aaaaaand action

          I casually walked towards them both, giving passing glances to the people around me to seem as natural as possible and then, when I was close enough and sure I was being watched, I looked at them as if I had just noticed they were sitting there. The mother acknowledged me but the daughter's back was towards me, which was good. The best part was I knew the mom, not extremely well but enough to strike up a 30-second conversation. As Kevin Hart so humorously said "Its about to go down"

Initiating Phase one

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