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downstairs tyler's mother was nowhere to be seen, so he assumed she left for work already. that was probably best, considering he still had a stranger upstairs.

in the kitchen the small boy pulled a stool over to the cabinets, reaching high to open the medicine cabinet.

"p-pain pills.." the freckled boy mumbled, reading the labels on each bottle. at last, tyler found baby aspirin and he hoped it was enough.

"you have a nice house, bud."

startled by the voice, the short boy stumbled from his place on the stool. bracing himself for the fall he shut his eyes, only to feel himself stop mid-fall.

opening his cocoa colored eyes, he found himself wrapped up in josh's arms, safe and warm. tyler would never say it out loud, but he adored the feeling.

"sorry, kid. didn't mean to startle ya," josh released the boy from his grasp and smiled. "are those pain killers?"

the younger boy looked down at the pill bottle in his hand, handing it over to the taller man. "i c-could only find ba-baby aspirin. i ho-hope that's a-alright."

the older man chuckled and patted tyler's fluffy hair, " it's perfect, thanks pumpkin." the freckled boy swooned internally.

after swallowing three pills and drinking a glass of water, the pale man pulled out his buzzing phone.

"thanks so much, kid, but i got to get going. i gave my friend your address and he's waiting outside."

tyler was sad to see the older man go, but that didn't make sense. he'd just met him, and he already wanted to see him again. but poor tyler didn't have the confidence to tell him that.

"a-alrighty. i'll wa-walk you out," the small boy said, walking towards the door to hide the tears that were brewing in his irises. why was he crying? he'd just met josh.

outside tyler saw a red jeep in the driveway, a young man in the driver's seat. he had a big forehead.

"thanks again, buddy. maybe i'll get really drunk sometime and we'll see each other again," josh chuckled and the younger boy nodded, wiping his tears discreetly.

with a final wave and a pearly white smile, the taller man walked over to the jeep and jumped in. the jeep began to pull out of the driveway, and as they disappeared down the street, tyler finally let the tears slip down his face.

"m-maybe i will se-see him again," the tan boy mumbled, wiping his eyes with his knuckles and walking back into his house.

it was sunday and that meant tyler could either get together with lilly or sulk around the house at the loss of his potential friend.

he chose the latter.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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