Willy and the Groceries

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A little tap on my desk woke me up early in the morning. A seagull pecked at the breakfast my grandpa set out for me just that morning. The breakfast that was meant for me! I flung up from my bed. "Ooou!! Get off my breakfast you lanky beast!" It cawed at me, irritatedly, then flew out my window to avoid any further danger. What a little ass hole, taking away the second best part of my morning. Lazily I got dressed and ready to go out to the market place. Though I do hate going to the market place, due to the tediousness of the old people selling herbs, I still can feel excitement about going back. My second closest friend is related to one of those old geezers in charge of selling herbs. Willy B is the strongest and most hard headed person I think I've ever met. That's why we're best friends; we used to make up our own versions of my grandpa's pirate stories. Gathering my grocery "equipment", I head towards the door to hike my way to the market place. Get ready old geezers, here I come!! I sneak into the fridge and grab some more food for breakfast. It was only fair, after all the stupid birds ate too much of mine. Scarfing down that food was almost depressing. Everything in the fridge was made by my grandfather, it was sad to scarf it down so fast. My grandfather was a massive person, most people would call terrifying at first glance. But surprisingly enough he has many amazing talents that you'd think only the delicate have. He's an amazing chief, he knits all my hats and he makes all my jeans, he's a fisherman, and he's an animal lover. (Despite the fact that he's an animal lover, he actually hates fish a lot. Which is probably why he's a fisherman.) Throughout the house my grandpa is wondering, looking for his favorite fishing rod. "Good morning Grandpa." My voice sounded rough, which seriously surprised me. My grandpa noticed me taken aback my my own voice and he belts out a hardy laugh. "Good morning Corey, I see you must have missed your breakfast again."

"It's not my fault the birds around here are so spoiled." I groaned. He let out another full belly laugh and continued at his search of the house. "Just remember to get the bird food while you're out alright?"

"Of course, they already are so spoiled. You can't take that away from them now right?"

I smirk and grab the money and list for shopping. "Well I'm off, I'll be back later pa!"

"You'd better not take all damn day though, I'd planned for us to go out on the water today.." His cheery voice grew a little dull.

" Aw I'm sorry I might be a little late but I'll try my best to hurry then." I tried to be positive so he wouldn't be bummed out. "Well ok Corey. I still have your stupid birds to keep me company. I'll see you tonight then, but you better not miss your favorite dish tonight."

I waved goodbye and left to go off to the village. Grandpa really is going to make me something really good tonight, he always does. But this is something really special because I don't have a favorite food he always makes me super fancy and good food when he tells me he's making my favorite dish. God I don't know what I would do without him in my life. He has to be the kindest and strongest person I will ever know. The stories, the food, the time I spend with him, it's all so real. I love living with him. Slowly I inch closer and closer to town. Singing and humming to myself keeps me occupied as I go. Finally when I make it and my feet tingle with anticipation. I can see the streets booming with people buying their groceries and all other miscellaneous objects. Scuffling through the crowds I start to grab the main produces that are on our list. The meats, the fruits, the vegetables, the eggs, and the new equipment for fishing like bait. Lastly I head over to the oldest and second most reliable man in the whole town. He is sitting outside this little stand selling all different types of herbs and spices. He is very hard of hearing so getting my order here was very difficult. But he was my second favorite old man that lived here, and he sold some of the best spices in town. I get all the spices I order, after what felt like years, and thank him for his time. Suddenly a young rambunctious teenager comes flying from the corner of my eyes right at me. Skating down the slanted street she almost zoomed by us. Spontaneously she stopped her board and smiled. The old man noticed her and a huge smile spread across his wrinkled face. He loudly yelled at her."Oh Winry I haven't seen ya down here in the shopping district in so long. How have you been?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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