Should I?

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Heya buddy's! I've been reading so many Prinxiety fanfics, and many people said it was, fun to make them! And that got me thinking, should I make one? There's so many good one's like the one from my bestie, leila_XOXoo. And the highschool AU fanfic from TheGayJay , also if you're reading this, keep it up and I hope you do good in your school play! But the question I'm trying to ask is, should I make a Prinxiety fanfic? I honestly feel like I should because if my online best friend is, then I should. Also leila_XOXoo if you're reading this I love you! And I love
you all for all the support and no hate, I'm actually pretty sensitive, so I cry easyly. But thank you, thank you all for all the support! Also don't forget to leave a ask or dare for this book! Bye!

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