XV: F*ck the Police

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Waking up beside her felt a lot different than normal. We were wrapped up more in each other than we were in the silk sheets. I looked down at her and felt an urge to stroke her hair.

No, Boris, I snapped at myself. Black women don't like their hair being touched. If there's anything you've learned from your brother, remember that.

But she's not even fully black so does it count?

Yes, it still counts! She's still black!

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt her move under my arm. She looked up at me and caught me staring.

"Good morning," she smiled wide up at me.

I smiled back in genuine happiness. "Morning, beautiful."

Blushing at my statement, she sat up and held the covers to her chest. "I'm going to go cook breakfast for you. What do you like?"

"Anything," I shrugged. "Do you need a shirt?"

She thought and looked me up and down. "I doubt you'll have anything that'll fit me." She let out a chuckle.

"Sure I do! It'll at least cover you up a little bit." I rolled out of bed and went into the closet, pulling out my pin stripped button up. Bringing it out, I pulled the hanger from out of the back of it and put it on her. "See, not too bad." It fit her fine. She could probably go one button but it'd tug.

She let out a giggle and put on a pair of my Nike slides. "Thank you!" She kissed me quickly before going down the stairs.

I watched her bubble out and couldn't help but to smile. Making sure everything in the room was off, I whistled a tune.

Oh look at me.. whistling and what not. I was never this way. Even with Maddie, you'd never hear a tune come from my throat because of love.

Thinking of Maddie reminded me of the first lie I've told Olyvette. I had told her that Maddie died, accidentally falling from the balcony. I knew that I'd scare her if I confessed that I pushed the bitch. I guess you could say that Maddie was the beginning of my psychotic ways. The rest is locked in a filing cabinet in my basement.

I'm being serious. That was no metaphor.

"Bo!" I heard Oly call me from downstairs. "What do you want in your coffee?!"

I nearly flew to her calling with how fast I ran down the stairs. I took the coffee pot away from her and set it back under the automatic coffee maker. "I actually want you to try something." I pulled out the milk, some vanilla, and nutmeg and poured them into the coffee. I also drizzled sugar into both of our cups before stirring it. "Try it."

She set down the spatula from the eggs and picked up the cup. She sipped it cautiously, watching me with a raised brow. Setting it back on the counter and nodded.

I leaned against the counter. "So what do you think?"

Olyvette shrugged with a smile. "It's pretty good! It may need a little something else, but it's good!"

"Oh whatever, that's the best coffee you've ever had," I laughed. "Admit it."

"I make coffee for a living, Boris," she laughed loudly. "I know what I'm talking about."

I gave her a quick wink. "Sure you do."

She shook her head and continued focusing on the eggs in the small pan. Her head lifted quickly when the brunette haired woman on the news caught her attention with an interesting headline. I pulled out my phone, pretending not to hear.

"Forty-three women between the ages twenty-one and thirty-five have been registered missing in the Atlanta area within the past six months. Authorities say-"

Olyvette gasped. "Forty-three? Boris, do you see this?"

I looked back at the tv and dropped my mouth. "Damn.. And I bet the police aren't doing shit to find them."

She shook her head in disgust. "Police don't give two fucks about all that. They just want to kill innocent people of color and get away with it."

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the TV. "Fuck the police."

I didn't make that statement because of political issues. I agreed, of course, but because they're my enemy at this point. I'm the one reason for those missing girls and soon enough, they'll find me and most likely hit me with the lethal injection. P*ssy shit.

"It's just forty-three? By one person? Who does that?" Olyvette sighed deeply, pouring the eggs onto plate. "Who has that much time?"

There's a lot of time neglected in the night. Someone needs to take advantage of it, I thought, watching her move.



That's seven more than what I've done.

Either I was being copied or someone was just in my way and giving me credit for something I haven't done.

I suddenly got the urge to find that person and just have a "talk"with them. Just a quick, painless talk to tell them what they're doing is wrong and unfair to God... and me. Mostly me.

"Alright, Baby," Olyvette sang. "Foods all done." Her words seemed to be choppy when her phone began ringing. "Oh it's mom. I'll be back. Go ahead and eat without me."

"You sure?" I raised a brow at her, picking up my plate and starting to pack food onto it.

She nodded, tapping her screen. "Of course! Go ahead," she insisted while walking out to the living room.

Sitting down in the dining room with my plate, I ate and waited for my love to come back. It didn't take her very long to come back to kiss my forehead and steal my bacon. "I really wish I could stay and cuddle all day, but I've gotta get to the cafe. Mom's coming to investigate."

I nodded sadly. "Do you need a ride or anything?"

She walked for the door and shrugged, stopping in the doorway. "Just come have lunch with me today and I'll be fine." She smiled at me and blew a kiss. "Bye, Baby!"

I watched her leave my site and sighed softly. "Be safe!"

I had already took the day off to spend time with Olyvette so I couldn't quite figure out what to do with myself.

I cleaned a little, went through mail, and did online shopping for the office all before eleven. I started to get up from my desk to get ready for lunch until a beat on the front door shook the house.

I pulled on my sweats as I had been walking around in my underwear all day, and went downstairs. Opening the door, I revealed an angry, sleep deprived, gray Nate Gene.

"You got 2 choices," he held up two fingers. "You leave her alone or you die."

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