XXV: Pop the bottles and call the honeys!

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Rebecca knocked before entering my office. She held her arm up, carrying ties in various shades of burgundy. "Alright, Boris. Here's what David sent in the mail. He said he had a blast picking these out for you as burgundy is his favorite color." She closed the door behind herself and walked to the side of my desk.

"I thought turquoise was his favorite color," I wondered, standing up to examine the ties.

She shrugged and fixed their positions. "Everything is David's favorite color- except tweety bird yellow."

I shook my head quickly. "No, of course not. Keep it out of his sight."

Rebecca let out a soft laugh then let a few moments pass before she spoke up again. "So which one will you be wearing tomorrow?"

I ran my thumbs over the patterns on some of them. "Which one would she like?"

"It's not about her, Boris. It's about Nate." She picked up the darkest tie and handed it to him. "Not too flashy and yes she'll like it. It says 'I feel awful being here. I'm very sad about his death. Finding him dead was something that really broke my heart.' Wear this one."

I took it in my hand and set it on the back of my chair. "Thank you, Beck." I took the rest of the ties in my hand and moved towards my closet to hang them up.

My assistant watched me and folded her arms. She followed my face once I turned back around and closed my closet.

I stood still and looked back at her. "What's up?"

"You need to give her space."

A groan escaped my lips as I drug myself back to my chair and plopped in it. "I'm not gonna try anything tomorrow, I promise. But I can't at least try to look good for her?"

"I mean of course you can! Just don't try so hard. Let her grieve. Not everything is about you and her," she replied. "Just be respectful." Rebecca held her finger out before making her way to and out the door.

"Always! Anything you say, Mom! Alright!" I watched the door shut before I threw a pen at it.

Rebecca was like an angel on my shoulder. Always telling me what I should and shouldn't do business wise and just in life. I appreciated her greatly and if she ever wanted to leave Nevaeh, I wouldn't know what to do.

I hired her ten years after the company was signed to me. She needed a job to support her small family with her husband who was laid off of his job at the time. We were both very young and hungry to find money. She was like a sister to me in a way since Michael was my father figure. I was more than happy to help her and her family.

She always kept me straight and told me off when I needed it. She was always one hundred percent real. I appreciated her greatly.

But this time she pissed me off.

I had this whole plan in my head on how I was going to get my goddess back and she ruined it. After she told me to leave Olyvette alone, I really considered leaving her alone!

I didn't want to. I really didn't. I wanted to hold Olyvette at Nate's funeral and tell her it's okay that the bastard died! He was asking for it! Right? After all the things he had done to ruin us, there was no reason to be sad about his passing! Pop the bottles and call the honeys; it's turn up time!  Ding dong the psychotic bitch is dead.

Damn. That's how it's going to be when I die, huh?

I hadn't talked to Olyvette in three weeks. That's when she left me. Or basically told me she didn't want to be with me anymore. I still had hope for us. I mean the way she worded it said we weren't completely done yet. Some days I worried.

What if she moved on? What if she moved on to someone that was... I don't know- richer, hotter, or just overall better than me?

Although such a thing would be nonexistent. No one else could love her more than I did. No one else could murder for her like I did. No one else could possibly ever top my love for Olyvette!

My love for her is more infinite than outer space! My love for her is unimaginable! No one could even describe the exact extent to how far my love for her goes. No one! Not even I could and I'm the one in my mind!

I also worried that she'd mourn over Nate for so long that I'd be forgotten about. Just the thought of it makes me angry.

"Hey, dickhead," Johnson stepped into my office, taking my mind off of the only things in the world that scared me. "You're showing your face tomorrow?" He closed the door behind himself, came over, and leant against the window.

I shrugged and nodded, not taking my eyes off of my keyboard. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

I could see him shrug in the corner of my eye. "I figured you'd want to keep a low profile so- ya know."

Shaking my head, I turned to him in my seat. "It would make more sense if I showed up and seemed mournful than if I didn't show up and seemed guilty. Don't you think?"

"I think these people are idiots and think the crazy fucker killed himself. Whether you show up or not, you found him dead inside his apartment with a bottle of pills and hallucinogens in his system! He thought it was fucking candy!" He looked me in the eyes. "His death ain't got nothin' to do with you."

"Hmph." I smirked. "If i didn't know any better, I'd think you were the professional here."

My brother let out a chuckle. "Little brothers have to be better at some things."

Hey, lovelies!!
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! This isn't exactly a lot but it's just a little filler so you all aren't waiting so long!
Thank you for being patient!
Love y'all!

Also!! Comment where you're from for an update within the next week!!! I wanna see where my readers are!

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