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"Ow!" Lily cursed under her breath as her foot made contact with the doorframe.Today really wasn't her day.First,she slept in.Which never happened,making her rush to get ready.Second,she'd of course scrambled around for something to wear as it was a school day.Effectively finding all her her skirts to be dirty and stockings strewn across the floor.Lily wasn't a messy person,so this surprised her.Before she realized with a jolt that this had probably been 6th year Mariet Manges work.Third,after she'd managed to shower without injuring herself,she ran all the way to the great hall and was relieved to see a few people still eating.So she sat her self next to Alice,and piled a few things on her plate.Convincing herself that today was going to be a good day and her mood brightened a bit.

"Lil,you don't mind, do you?"

She realized it was Alice's voice and straightened up a bit,"Repeat that?"

Marlene snorted as she made herself comfortable on the other side of Lily,"What Red?
Potter on the brain?"

Her eyes widened and she flicked Marlene on the forehead.


"I would never and I repeat never,have someone so annoying,reckless, and arrogant on my brain other than to think of ways to get him to leave me alone!"Lily huffed

"Well,well,what a shame Evans.It's a sad day when a woman as beautiful as you turns me down.You know you want to-" She heard Potter's bloody voice say.

And her mood worsened again.

"Want to what,Potter?!Throw you in the lake?!Give you a mirror so that you look at yourself so much that your head explodes!Then by Merlin,yes Potter,I do want to!"

She saw Sirius snicker and hold a hand to his heart,ready to fire something back.Lily really wasn't in the mood for that.

"Oh,shut up!" Lily didn't need these stupid boys to ruin her day all over again and with that thought,she grabbed her bag and walked out of the great hall.

She sped up to Charms,and inwardly groaned.The only seat left was right next to her.


"Don't think you can fool me,I know what you really want.Everyone does,I don't care what James sees in you.You take your scarlet woman status and stay away for him !" Mariet Manges hissed in her ear as she moved to sit.

Lily rolled her eyes,'Lord,she sounds pathetically dramatic.' and focused on this lesson.

Today was going to be a long day.

Lily ran out of the last class of the day eager to have a few minutes to herself.She was humming a muggle tune and enjoying the walk from the Potions lab to Gyrffindor Tower.She moved to get her bag more comfortable on her shoulder.

But a force to strong to push away knocked straight into her before she had a chance to react.She recognized it instantly.

"Evans!Im so sorry ,I didn't mean to-."

Anger swirled through her,'How could this boy be chosen for Head Boy!'

"Just stay away from me Potter!" Lily yelled and she didn't miss the hurt look in his eyes.She slouched a bit when she saw it,and guilt filled her.She almost yelled at herself ,you don't feel guilty for James Bloody Potter.

"Look,I said I was sorry.Now can you let me through?I've got somewhere important to be."

"Probably going to shag a helpless woman,you are such an arse!"


She raised an eyebrow and her damned curiosity took over,"What are you planning?"

He moved to go around her put she put her arm out,stopping him.

"I really don't have time for this let me into the library." James rationed

"Not until I-"

"Prongs!You're here,bloody took you long enough.Come here." Black's voice carried throughout the library causing Madam Pince's scowl to grow larger.

Potter was dragged away.Not that she minded in the least,but she needed to see what was happening.So she crept behind a shelf and watched silently.

"Prongs look,it's a-" Black was interrupted by the only marauder she didn't mind at all.Remus.

"Time turner." Black glared at Remus and moved to speak again.

Lily looked at Black and turned to see a gold object in his hand,she took a sharp intake of breath and stepped in front of the bookcase to reveal herself.

All 3 glanced up,and she wondered,'Where is Peter?'but that was the least of her worries.

"Evans.What are you doing here?" Black responded to her sudden appearance.

"Stopping you!Are you aware of how dangerous that thing can be?!" She lunged to grab the time turner,but Black moved to grab it back,But not before she pulled the chain.

"This is serious,Black!"

"You're correct.I am Sirius Black.Now Evans lets just have a little more fun."

He tugged on the other side.

"Stop you'll-"

And she heard a horrible shattering sound before the world went white.

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