IK (1) Bathing In Blood

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Her body is slumped over, half sitting, half lying on the cold recently crimson stained tiles.

Her perpetually flawless strawberry blond hair looked like it had been dip dyed into a pool of blood, her trademark silky ringlets when drenched in red had become crusty as they sprawled around her in multiple directions.

When alive, Clara possessed a merciless grin and a constant knowing glimmer in her eyes. In death, her lips had tinted a shade of unforgiving cerulean and smoothed into a motionless frown. Her eccentric coffee-coloured eyes where wide open, but her amber irises held and the appearance of hollowness.

Katherines couldn't help but acknowledge that the tension-filled air whirling around the cabin contained the undeniable scent of a butchers store. Her eyes didn't flinch away from the sight of her friend, lying, dead on the floor.

"She deserved it. She deserved it. She deserved it..." The delicate panicked chanting of Madeline echoed into Katherine's eardrums, but she didn't process the statements considering her subconscious was too preoccupied with her internal dread.

Katherine shook her head slowly.

How? How did this happen?

One minute everything is fine...well as good as it could be, and the next? Clara the Queen of resident Eastwood Highschool is dead and lying lifeless in a pool of her own freshly spread blood.

This isn't happening; it has to be some kind of sick joke. Katherine thought, hopefully.

Clara always played tricks on Katherine, maybe, just maybe, she had convinced everyone else to partake in this one and as usual, took it too far.

Only this seemed so real, so fucking real. The way she screamed as the knife - her thoughts were cut off.

"Shut up, Madeline," Marcus grunted, not sparing the weeping girl a glance.

Katherine's eyes began to pool. So fucking real... She wrapped her arms around herself and let a soft whimper pass through her shaking lips. No one came to comfort her, seeing as everyone was to busy trying to comfort themselves.

Keith stood at Katherine's side also in a trace as he stared at the body. He needed to do something, anything to get away from the sight of Clara. But, he couldn't escape, the soles of his shoes remained cemented to the ground. His heart hammered in his chest, and sweat developed over the back of his neck.

Marcus stomped backward and forwards several feet behind them, just like he had continually done whenever he was stressed and pondering. We get rid of the body, he thought, we burn it.

His steps faltered. Was he seriously contemplating deep frying his girlfriend's body? He glimpsed around the room, his eyes absorbed the sight of Madeline rocking backward and forwards, then to Katherine and Keith standing bewildered. It was then that he concluded, he was the only one who was going to be able to get them out of this situation. Maybe we shouldn't burn it, the smoke and scent of burning skin could attract attention. He closed his eyes tightly and sighed as he continued to try and find a way out of the mess they had made.

Madeline's tailbone started to throb as she rocked but that didn't stop the movements. Her fingernails curled into her arms prompting blood to rise to the surface. She was trembling, but it wasn't due to the rooms freezing temperature. She blinked rapidly, as she stared at the body. She deserved it. Madeline chanted over and over in her head trying to get the words to stick, little did she know the words weren't only replaying in her head but also from her lips.

Hours had passed, and little had changed among the four.

Katherine had wept out all her tears and was busy staring at the wall numbly. I can't go to jail; she shifted her gaze to Madeline who even in turmoil looked like she was on her way to a modelling job, we will be royally fucked in prison.

Innocent Killersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें