IK (6) Watch Me Lie My Way To Heaven

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With her heart hammering in her chest and her palms, sweaty Katherine opened the car door and moved to climb out.

It took a few moments for her fellow students to notice her entrance, but once they did, there was no escape.

Every pair of eyes within a 100-meter radius has zeroed in on Katherine. She couldn't imagine the reaction they would have when Madeline finally got out of the car, since Madeline was always second best to their Queen, Clara. Now that was - well gone - that left one successor to the throne. Katherine didn't doubt that Madeline would rather die herself then give the throne to anyone but herself.

She waited patiently as whispers, and curious gazes landed on her from every direction. Then finally Madeline's door opened.

Soon after one sleek, shiny crimson red heal touched the parking lot floor, which was shortly followed by another.

The attention quickly shifted away from Katherine and onto Madeline who slowly stood from her seat and faced her audience.

She squared her shoulders raised her chin and glanced around with a slight smirk and without a care in the world. The distinct aura of confidence and power radiated off her. Which, was enough to make those who had gotten of Madeline's bad side in the past finch back.

'Look who's back.'

'It's about time it was starting to get boring around here.'

'Madeline looks as hot as ever, but now in a more of an edgy way. You know like she'd be into kinky shit now.'

Both girls were used to the attention so peeling themselves from the car and walking across the campus while being stared at like animals in a cage, wasn't too much of a struggle.

What was a struggle was the sight that they came to meet when approaching the doors. The schools' janitor was scrubbing madly at something painted across the dark blue wood. The principal Ms Heather stood firmly behind, a concerned and frustrated look on her face.

Without even seeing what was staining the door Katherine knew it wasn't going to be good. Madeline pushed passed a scrawny boy who was blocking her view of the glassy red words. Her breath caught in her throat as she read them.

'The Killer Isn't He who Has Been Found Guilty. Look deeper then the pretty lies you are fed and always watch your Backs, you all have targets.' JusticeForTheQueen

Katherine felt herself choke on her breath. Her facade of confidence crumpled, and she stumbled backwards. The overwhelming murmur of the students around her intensified. Katherine's throat began to burn and her vision clouded. She closed her eyes and leant over placing her palms on her shaky knees. Calm down, calm down, calm down. She thought repetitively, only it did nothing to help her.

Madeline broke her stare down with the graffiti, and she turned to Katherine who was struggling to catch her breath. With two quick strides, she was next to Katherine and was helping her straightened up.

She whispered quiet enough for only Katherine to hear. "Calm down; it's okay. If you have a panic attack now all it's gonna do is make us look guilty."

When she saw that her words did not affect Katherine, her gaze snapped upwards and towards the crowd of students gathered around them. She glared at them with pure disgust, most flinched away and lowered their heads. Some even quickly walked away. Not wanting to see the wrath of their new evil queen.

"What the actual shit! Which one of you fuckwits thought this would be a good joke?! Huh? Our friend is dead. She's not coming back. And making a joke out of that is pure evil. You might as well have killed her yourself!"

The crowd was silenced. And quiet mummers of apology and empathy started to fill the air. Then, suddenly a mocking laugh came from the back of the crowd.

"Why? So that we could save you the trouble of doing it yourself?"

Madeline felt her fingers tightening around Katherine who was starting to calm down slowly.

She scanned the group to find the eyes of the dumbass who decided to talk back to her.

Tom Wrington. Andrew Ryder's Best friend. Tom stood tall his eyes not flinching as Madeline look him over with a judgemental gaze. She rolled her eyes obnoxiously and chuckled with mock humour.

"Tom, darling. Let's not act like you are innocent. I mean everyone saw that way you faltered at Andrews' feet, the same way they saw the love and devotion on your face every time he talked to you. You may have been his best friend, but everyone in this school knows how hopelessly in love with him you to him. I wouldn't be surprised if you helped him kill Clara. You would do anything he asked."

Once again whispered echoed around the group, the beginning of another gossip story. Forgotten was Katherines almost panic attack and recognised was the idea of tom being partner to murder. Madeline knew she was selfishly throwing yet another innocent person under the bus, but it was okay to her because it meant she could continue to walk on the footpath free of danger. She was safe. It didn't matter who got hurt as long as it wasn't her.

Tom didn't say anything and shook his head slightly; he gave Madeline a look that she couldn't understand before turning and walking away. He may have looked like he gave up, as he lowered his gaze and disappeared around the corner of the school building, but deep down Madeline knew it wasn't over.

Nothing was ever that easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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