chapter 1 - "pepperville pepperville home sweet home aka jeans diner ."

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It was a long trip , i had just reached back to my home town Pepperville . All i wanted to do was to go in town to my favorite diner and get a drink , So that's exactly what i did . On the drive there a voice shouted out my name "Amy!" to my surprise it was my high school friend Kyle .

 Oh my God! what's it been Amy , three years!  "He embraced me with a warm hug . We chatted for a few . exchanged digits and promised to catch up later that week .

  Upon reaching the diner , i remembered all the super crazy fun times and smiled . There it was i said to myself . 'jeans diner! ' but the name had change to 'jeans diner and bar'. After all it had been three years . Nevertheless , i walked on in . sat down on the third table by the window where i always sat and ordered what i always ordered back then . a strawberry and banana shake with a dash of spice. while i waited i scrolled through my phone and updated my WhatsApp status. it read 'Pepperville Pepperville home sweet home' 

still scrolling through my phone , minding my own business when all of a sudden i felt like someone had been watching me . i lifted my phone and pretend to use it as if i were checking my face . where i saw , these delicious caramel eyes gazing at me . i smiled softly and dropped my eyes back onto my phone, i could still feel the vibe of him looking at me . it was as if he were piercing into my soul. i looked on back up and to my surprise , those gorgeous caramel eyes were now coming my way . The butterflies in my stomach couldn't be contained any longer . Was he coming to talk to me ?  Was i making up this entire thing in my head ?

Hey , can i sit here? "Oh my God this is real" , i said to myself . Sure , i replied. He sat down , i hope i wasn't interrupting ! am Jake . Nice to meet you Jake am Amy . Amy i over heard you ordering my favorite drink. I've never met anyone that takes there shake the way i do. My friends tell me am nuts for adding spices to it, but i love the way the spice blends in." it gives that crunchy effect " we both said together and giggled.

We sat there , shared a buns and talked. He was so charming , i taught to my self and he had an amazing personality. it felt like we had known each other forever , though it had only been a few minutes. Our conversation was then interrupted by the tone of my phone . it was my mom . 'Hey mom!' ok sure al be right there! sorry Jake , i got to dash! it was lovely talking to you. if your gonna dine and dash , can i at least get your phone number so that i can call you some time he said.  sure i replied . we exchanged digits and i dashed .

The entire trip home , i was smiling from ear to ear . all i could think about was , jakes caramel eyes  and how we both like the same shake with spices . its true though i haven't met anyone who drinks it that way until now . even my best friend Sabrina doesn't like the added spices . we had a few stuff in common , we had both traveled to places , we both loved to draw , and he even showed me a few photos of some of the stuff he drew. upon reaching the gateway i saw my mom outside , it looked like she herself had just gotten home . hurry up! she said , i want to hug my little girl! i parked and quickly jumped out the jeep to embrace my mother . God , it feels so great to be home , i said . Am over the whole skyping thing . lets never do that again! 'face to face is so much more better. ' we hugged again , only this time a little bit longer  and we walked on  inside .

beep beep! it was my phone  again , but this time it was a text message from Sabrina .  it reads , is that status for real? are you finally back? my mom and i looked up at each other  , when she said . is it? yes mom its Bri , i replied . i had already known what my mom  was about to ask me with out  she needing to ask . "we had this thing where we would just look at each other and giggle because ninety-nine percent of the time we would be thinking the same thing , or watch something and just know what the other one was thinking ." we had just always been like that . we had the kind of relationship , were we were bestfriends first ! mother daughter second and besides , Bri and i were best buddies since we were four .

{MOM}    -   Is she coming over now?

{AMY}   -   nah.... but she'll be here after her shift ends . She's working a double today . bri  is working so hard . that girl has gone on a full on Hustle mode . 

{Sabrina aka Bri . she's my bestie! we have know each other like forever. we grew up together she lives three houses down . she's the sister i never had . we met the day her dad was teaching her to ride her bike and i was outside doing jump rope . we practically did everything together  after that and told each other everything . though i had left for three years , we never out on anything about each others life because we skyped every day or every other day. so it was as if  i never left.}

 mom helped me unpack and we just ordered in . before we new it the pizza guy was here . i rushed on down and answered the door .. ahhhhhh..... we yelled with excitement and started jumping . it was Bri at the door holding pizza . by then we were both screaming with joy inside of the house . 

{Bri}   - come here girl give me a hug! 

we hugged and then jumped some more 

{Amy}    - wait a hot minute . dam girl ! where the hell all those tits come from . hmmm somebody been getting freaky . lol . you know what they say big boobs are the results of  when the man is doing a job well  done  .  hmmmm guess roger is doing a okay and we both started laughing .

{Bri}   - Amy  does shawn know that your back?     {Amy}  - No , we didn't exactly end things right and on nice terms. 

SHAWN- my boyfriend of  alomost 2 years . We were inseparable. We met at the food place where I worked.
Every Tuesday he would come and order the same thing ( pie,  sweet potatoes, red beans and mexican chicken)   until  one day  while serving  him he asked me out. Expressing the only reason he'd been dining there was because he was liked me and been wanting to asK me out. Back then I was naive and young. I told him yes. It started of innocent with him picking me up after work. Us hanging out getting to know each other. We were happy until one day . i finished work 1 hour early the 1 hour that changed my life. I was walking out to the car park. When I  taught I saw shawns car. I doubted my self at first. I knew that if he came to the mall he would have called me. But before I knew it I found  my self walking closer to the car. When I then saw a hand appeared on the car Glass. I became baffled.  My navie ness took over mayb he was looking for something. I was seconds away  from being infront the car when I began hearing groaning. My heart raced that day like a thousand horses 🐎 🐎  🐎.
When I saw a brunette slim figured female  on top of Shawn .
I covered my mouth.   tears fell from my eyes like rain that day, as I couldn't believe that the man I loved  cheated on me.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 1
Leave me a comment and tell me what you think its my first time publishing

Chapter  2 coming soon

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