You I hear

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Hi guys! This is my short story from an assignment from school hope you enjoy.
Quick note: I'm not familiar with the ASL grammatics, therefor this is mostly PSE and just words put together into a sentence, hope that's okay<3
(Otherwise if you would like to correct me sent a pm on how it should be and the sign for it, thank you!)

It was Abel's first day in the new school, however he was used to new surroundings so it didn't feel any different from all the other times he transferred. He already had his schedule and was in a big hurry to his locker. While he searched for his locker he caught the eyes of a boy, across the empty hall. Abel didn't know what to do, the boy just suddenly stood there. The boy had red, beautiful, wait, yeah beautiful, hair and stunning emerald eyes, a button up nose and high cheekbones. What really stuck with Abel was the boy's eyes, and because of not knowing the boy's name, Abel decided to call him Emerald. The both of them looked at each other, perplexed and at the same time they moved towards one another.

"Hey", Abel said to the shorter boy, "umm I haven't seen you here before, although I'm new here, so there is probably a reason for me not to recognize you." He touched his neck in discomfort, and could feel his face heating up a notch. Emerald had a look of confusion on his face, Abel didn't notice so he continued.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Abel." The other boy, Abel noticed, quickly looked away from his lips and reached out a hand for him to shake. He had a good grip and they shook their hands two times before letting go.

While Abel continued to talk, explaining that he was newly transferred, the boy continued to look at his lips. Abel was confused as to why Emerald wouldn't look him in the eyes, he took a step closer and reached out a hand to touch the boy's arm, in a gesture to make the boy look at his eyes. He voiced his thoughts:

"Why won't you look me in the eyes?", however the boy didn't answer he, yet again, tried to look at Abel's lips, although Abel didn't let him.

Abel didn't understand the boy's hesitation and grew frustrated, took a step back and looked at Emerald, squinting his eyes. Abel could feel the frustration in his chest, he had never before met someone who was hard to talk to, he made friends pretty quickly, and here comes that boy, and he wouldn't even look him in the eyes let alone speak to him. Abel took an aggressive stance and continued to just look at the boy. He noticed that Emerald quickly looked him in the eyes before, again, moving his gaze to Abel's lips, so Abel began to speak.

"Why won't you look me in the eye, huh? Are you scared or something?", he spoke loudly. He didn't mean for it to come out rude, it was just his emotions playing tricks because of the unknown territory. The only thing the boy did was look at his lips, first with a question in his eyes and then in frustration, like he could not believe Abel had just asked that question. Neither of them knew what to say, the miscommunication between them was obvious, almost like a flower trying to understand the fall's evil weather. However Abel did not notice the boy's stare and continued with his questioning.

"Why can't you just say something? Didn't you hear me?", Abel looked up only to see the boy storming of, like something had stung him and he ran to be free from the pain.

"Hey! Wait! Stop! I didn't mean it, wait!", but it was too late, Emerald was already gone. Abel turned to his left and saw, what he believed, was one of the teachers. The woman walked up to him and Abel decided to ask.

"Ehm, excuse me miss, but that boy", he pointed to where the boy had run off to, "what's his deal?" The woman wrinkled her eyebrows, but soon her eyes softened.

"Oh, didn't you hear? The boy's deaf." Abel looked at the boy's retreating back and decided to run after him. How could he had been so stupid, of course the boy would look at his lips all the time and not been able to look him in the eyes, he was reading his lips, not trying to be rude. Abel felt his chest tighten and his eyes watering for treating the boy so bad, now he just had to find him, to sort out the misunderstanding. He had been looking for Emerald in all the places he thought he'd find him, but he had not found a sign of the boy. He decided to go out to the river outside of school grounds and come up with a plan, he hadn't expected Emerald to be sitting by the river with his head on his knees.

Abel lowered himself to the ground so he was pressing a bit of his thigh against the boy. And by the small touch Abel suddenly felt complete. Before the boy could run away again , Abel took quite a grip on his wrist. Emerald didn't even seem surprised and when Abel looked at the boy's eyes they were hard as rock, now they really did look like emeralds. However he raised his eyebrows and his jaw dropped by Abel's next move.

"Sorry", he mouthed while dragging his fist against his chest in a circular motion. The boy's eyes watered and Abel continued. He touched his chest with his index finger, moved his fist up to his head and pointed upwards while shaking his head, pointed at Emerald and then touched his own ear and down to his mouth.

"I didn't know you were deaf", the rest of the sentence was just spoken, "if I knew I would have been more careful in what I said, I'm sorry." He yet again did the same thing as the first time. Emerald eyes wasn't rock like anymore, now they resembled something softer, maybe a forest in summer time or a gentle breeze through a field of grass. The two sides of his mouth rose upwards, he formed two letters with his hand, the sign for 'ok' and Abel decided to tell the beautiful boy something.

"I call you", he did a sign with his thumb and index finger in a bow away from his mouth, " Emerald, in my head, your eyes, they're exquisite." Both of the boys cheeks turned into the color of love, and Emerald's eyes shone with happiness, they grinned at each other and Emerald pointed at Abel, himself and then at his ear. After that he had his thumb up and index finger on his chin while moving his hand forward.

"You I hear, thank you."

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