daydream no. 2

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tuesday|january 9

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january 9

"It was a desolate place
that screamed chaos
but the humble little diner
hovers above me,
with its inviting smell that wafts
towards me."

The atmosphere dimmed a gradient orange until it transitioned to a deep shade of lapis lazuli. I felt my hands growing numb from the soft vibration coming from the radio, so I set it down on a hovering tabletop.

"The usual?"

The store owner asked gruffly looking over to my direction with his sunken olive eyes.

I nodded in reply, and  imagined the potato wedges being dipped into a container of salsa-once, I sneaked a peek into the kitchen and saw the soft wedge being skinned to perfection. The memory made my mouth water.

i am terribly hungry.

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