The game play on and on until it was time to sleep.
"You guys can sleep here since my parent aren't here." I said rubbing my eyes.
Someone carried me bridal style . I was to tired to argue so I let them and just putted my head on his chest.
"I'll tuck her in." Someone said.
They are so dead tomorrow. But right now I knoe Luke is carrying me.
"Good night, Angel." Luke whispered kissing my forehead.
He tuck me in and I got comfortable.
I felt the other side of the bed sink . Knowing it was Luke I snuggled into him.
He kept on playing my hair, making my eyes feel heavy.
"I love you Angel. I promise to keep you safe." Luke whispered.
That's the last thing I heard before going away to Neverland.
I woke up without Luke beside me, I immediately frowned. Where is he?
Doing my morning routin and changing into some shorts and my 'My boyfriend is a PUNK' tank top.
Walking downstairs , seeing the guys in the kitchen eating cereals.
"Morning, guys." I said.
Getting myself some cereals and sitting next to Luke.
"Morning, Angel." they mumbled.
I assumed they're all still sleepy because its just only 11 in the morning.
After eating I put all the dishes in the sink and grabbed my wallet walking in the living room.
"I'm going to get some groceries BEHAVE,okay?" I said pointing to each of them.
"Since when are we not behave?" Calum said smiling inoccently at me.
"Since you learn how to walk." I said rolling my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes young lady." Ashton said.
"Yes father , now I'm going out." I said.
I was twisting the door when someone stopped me.
"Wait, where's my kiss?" Luke said pouting.
For a punk he sure is a softy. Or atleast he tries to be a punk.
I stand on my toes and crashed my lips to his letting it linger for a moment.
Pulling away from him and kissing his cheek.
"Be carefull will yah?" Luke said kissing my forehead.
I nodded and walked away from him.
It was 1 pm now and the guys were texting me that they're all hungry and they want some pizza.
Walking out of the stores and walking is going to take a while with all these bags and there's no cab.
"Hey,baby gurl." Someone shouted.
I know it was directed to me so I tried walking faster.
"Where do you think you're goin'?" Another voice said.
This time someone turned me around to face them.
I saw some 4 other guys with leather jackets and tattoos all over their boy , but one stood out he most.
He has aurburn hair and he has the least tattoo, but I assumed he was the leader because he was infront of them .
"Hello,Love." He said.
I didn't move I tried calling my Luke on my phone without them noticing.
"My names Conor. What's your name?" Conor asked.
Did he just seriously tried to make a normal conversation with me? What a mother fucker.
I manage to call Luke and they're all listening now in ths conversation.
"I-I'm Angel." I whimpered.
Theyre holding me so tight my hands are turning red.
"Angel? I heard that a certain blond hair guy owns you and unfortunately we hate him and his mates so I sudgest you come with us for a chat." He growled.
Dropping all my stuff and making a run for it was a bad idea beacuse they got me immediately.
I felt something hard hit my neck before everything turned black...

Punk Love (Luke Hemmings)
FanfictionShe's just a girl but to him she's more than that. A shadow from afar that watch her every move . It's like he's watching his favorite show. She labels him like an angel that fell for the devil and he labeled her as his angel from his nightmares.