Driving out of the driveway and to my house but making sure Luke didn't see me.
"Angel wake up."
Argh...why is someone waking me up? I opened one of my eyes and saw my clock says 6:30am. WTF?
"Wake up you dipshit." Someone screamed .
Now I know who this is.
It's Calum.
I sighed, there goes my 30 minutes sleep left.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Just sit up." He whines.
I lazily sat up as he said and yawned stretching my arms.
"Its too early to wake up you know, Calum." I said getting up and going to the bathroom.
"But I wanna know your plan." He shouted as I closed the door.
I sighed again. Thinking I'm going toface Luke again today makes my heart race. I don't really have a plan I just want Luke to realize he made a mistake on cheating on me. I'm not that cruel, but then again I can make him want me the NEW Angel then tell him I'm Angel he cheated on...sounds like a plan right?
Taking on a quick shower and putting on my Knitted pattern crop top, blue tight skinny jeans, and my heels.
"Calum?" I said asa I open the door.
There stood the hole gang Michael, Ashton , Colton except Luke is here. I guess they didn't told him yet.
"Hey guys." I said as I walked out fully.
"Gosh, you'll drive him crazy with that outfit." Ashton winked.
"Yeah what he said." Colton said.
"Oh yeah they told me basically how your friends with them I'll help you get your boyfie back." Colton added then winked.
I blushed.
"I'm hungry." Michael said going out of the room.
I think he's going down the kitchen, because he's hungry. Again.
"Sooo...."Ashton sang.
"Sooooooooooo................."Calum saing in a higher voice.
"I swear if you plan on singing too I'll kill you." I said pointing at Colton.
"I was going to say let's go to school but now that you mentioned......" He began.
"Sooooooooooooooooo......" Colton sang .
Rolling my eyes and motioning them let's go we all headed down the kitchen where Michael is eating with my parents laughing.
"Mom, I'm going to school now." I said pecking her cheek then my dad kissing my forehead.
"Bye sweetheart be safe." They waved.
As we arrived at theschool people whispering our names and smiling our way. Wow I'm getting popular.
I walked ahead of them and flipped my hair to them winking at boys and smirking at girls on my way to my lockers.
HA! I love this power I'm getting.
"Hey." A pretty handsome guy said rubbing his neck and looking nervous.
I giggled.
"Don't be nervous, dear I'm only human." I winked.

Punk Love (Luke Hemmings)
FanfictionShe's just a girl but to him she's more than that. A shadow from afar that watch her every move . It's like he's watching his favorite show. She labels him like an angel that fell for the devil and he labeled her as his angel from his nightmares.