With you forever - Summer Vacation

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   Chapter 1. Summer Vacation


The scent of sweet flowers and the bitter scent of sunscreen lingering in the air as I lie down the soft, earthy grass. I could feel the warmth coming from the hot sun lay a heavy blanket over my shoulders making me sweat bullets yet all I could focuse on was the sound of the students raging out of the school main doors, bursting out loud in fits of laughter and conversations.

    Most conversations were about summer parties, going to beaches and how it's the last day of school. I averted my gaze away from the students and looked at the sky once more. It's thirty-four degree's out - being the hottest day so far this year. I smiled, this is when you know it's summer.

    I adjusted the straps of my bag while nervously searching around for any signs of my friends. Today was the day we were suppose to go to Hailey's beach house for the rest of the summer. 'We' meaning Nathan, Damon, Hailey and I. We were all so excited, I mean who wouldn't be? Long walks on the beach in the beautiful clear blue water, splashing around, burying each other in the sand, watching the sunset then finishing it off with the tradional roasting marshmallows in the camp fire. If that doesn't describe fun, I honestly don't know what will. We've been planning this summer trip ever since we were in Elementary school - as you can tell, we've all been best friends for quite a long time.

    I spotted a young girl with short blond hair that goes up to her shoulders. Narrowing my eyes at her, it took me a while to figure out who she was.

    "HAILEY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs It almost left me breathless.

     Turning around, a huge grin was plastered on her face as she lifted a hand up in the air and frantically waved her car keys around. "Are you ready?!"

    "Of course!" Hailey took my hands and we danced together for a little while - which consisted of us jumping around, probably making a fool out of ourselves. By the time we finished, Nathan and Damon gave us an annoying glare and impatiently jerked there heads towards her convertible. We all took each others hands and skipped over to where the car was parked. Damon politely opened the car door for Hailey causing her to smile widely.

    "See, Damon? This is why I absolutely love having a gay friend."

    He nodded his head in response and slid into the passenger seat while Nathan and I took the back seat.

    The car made a smooth rumbling noise and the car pushed forwards. After a few minutes, we finally started making our journey. I took my bag off and placed in down on the floor, my shoulders felt admittedly light and loosened.

    I felt the rush of wind run through my hair, sending chills down my spine. Shivering slightly, I heard Nathan laughed under his breath. I looked over with smirk on my face, and all of the suddenly he looked down. I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion at his sudden atittude. My curiosity pushed away other thoughts, I looked over to see what he was staring at. My hand? Why was he staring at my hand?

    I looked up into his bright green eyes and he looked into mine. I felt his hand suddenly grasped mine softly and delicately. I couldn't help but to smile. He opened his mouth and said something too silent for me to hear.

    "Sorry what did you say?" Nathan pushed my hair behind my ear.

    "I am going to tell you at the perfect time. When you least expect it, but when you should."

    "Alright..."  He held my hand a little tighter, making my heart drop - or even skipped a few beats.


hope you enjoyed! c; keep reading !!!  

Edited by Shenis (SecretParadise)

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